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VI analyzer toolkit API not working on executable

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I'm getting an error when running my executable using the VI Analyzer API. But the same configuration file can be open if I run in development mode.


Any ideas on what the differences might be? I've tried to run the application as admin. It gives the same result.






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Message 1 of 6

The VI Analyzer API is not supported in a built EXE.

Message 2 of 6

Do you mean that VI Analyzer cannot analyzer a built application or that you cannot build an application of a vi containing API functions?

I am aware that you can only analyzer code, not built applications, but I can't see the reason why you shouldn't be able to build an application using API functionality. What is the point of the API, if you can't make an application to automate your process? If you need to open the LabVIEW environment to analyze the code, you might as well use the built in GUI.

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Message 3 of 6

Most people use the VI Analyzer API as part of a build process, where they have a nightly build of their code that also analyzes the source to generate nightly reports of any test failures that arise. If your use case for the VI Analyzer is purely an interactive one, then you're right...there's not much benefit to the API, unless you have designed your own UI for analysis tasks, or if you're writing Quick Launch VIs.


The VI Analyzer relies heavily on VI Scripting to analyze VI front panels and block diagrams, and unfortunately, scripting is not supported in the Run-Time Engine. Thus, the VI Analyzer is not supported in the Run-Time Engine.

Message 4 of 6

Do you have an example of how those nightly builds are run?


Our idea was to use Jenkins to update from subversion and then let Jenkins, via a windows batch file, start an exe with the VI Analyzer API functionality.


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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by FredNiemela

I have had success with  "labview.exe"  (may need full paths to locations depending on usage) and setting the properties of to be run on opened.  This way you are using the dev environment.

Message 6 of 6