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Does DAQ Device config in System Explorer have to match actual hardware channels?

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I am in the process of populating the System Explorer configuration in Controller>Hardware>Chassis>DAQ. In this case I have a PCIe_6343 board. Does all the I/Os (analog, digital, counters) of the board have to be defined in the Veristand System Explorer, or only the ones I want to use?  For instance, can I leave # DI = 0 and #DO = 0 if I am only planning to use Differential I/Os ? 


Is there a tool that could transfer the hardware settings from MAX to the System Explorer, as I have the feeling I have to redo, what MAX already does... Or am I missing something?




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Accepted by topic author LDBM

You don't need to define all the resources on your board in the system definition.  It's best practice in VeriStand to populate the system definition only with the resources you need.  The motivation is to task the system as little as possible.  At this time there is no built-in integration with MAX, but there's both a System Configuraiton API and a VeriStand System Defintion API so you can build this functionality if you like.


Steve K

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Steve.

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