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Veristand 2014 multiple target deployment issue


For my project i want to deploy 3 RT targets simultaneously, but i get errors during deployment.
I can deploy an empty definition file to each target individually quite quick, but deploying to 2 targets takes a lot longer (~2 min) and fails often.
Trying to deploy to 3 targets takes even longer and fails almost all the time.

The empty definition file is just a new definition file, with an the added targets without any more additions (no models/devices/mappings)

The error i receive from Veristand usually is a connection error (-307850 "A communication failure occurred while handshaking the target").

Is there any further options for me to troubleshoot this issue?
As far as my understanding goes it is possible to run 3 RT targets simultaneously from a single host, but are there any additional settings required?

Best regards,

troubleshoot attempted:
-i already tried reinstalling the Veristand engine on the RT targets
-all targets have static ip adresses, all off which i confirmed are unique in the network
-ping command from windows succeeds for all targets(<1ms)
-all terminals show "veristand engine idle"
-different deployment order attempted

Setup details:

Rt target (3X):
Pharlab ETS 13.1
Veristand engine 2014

Host PC:
Windows 7
Veristand 2014
labview 2014


full error message:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The VeriStand Gateway encountered an error while deploying the System Definition file.

Error -307850 occurred at Project Window.lvlib:Project >> Project Window.lvlib:Command >> NI_VS Workspace ExecutionAPI.lvlib:NI VeriStand - Connect to

Possible reason(s):

NI VeriStand: The target cannot be reached. Verify that the Ethernet cable is connected to the real-time (RT) target and that the RT target is enabled and running.
NI VeriStand: Server TCP Interface.lvlib:TCP Connection
NI VeriStand: A communication failure occurred while handshaking with the target.
Target: 5

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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After some more intense searching on the forum i found this thread from 2010
This user had the same error with a single RT target, and solved it by setting the static IP 'DNS' and 'Gateway' to ""
Both deployment success and speed have increased by a lot.

Not sure why this issue exist, i am assuming it is due to my network setup (single dedicated router between all connected units)
But i find it odd that i had no issues with single RT targets.

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Message 2 of 3

Hi ThomJ,


At a high level, deploying to three targets shouldn't be an issue.  The success or failure of deployments usually comes down to the size of the items that need to be compiled and deployed from your System Definition rather than the number of targets.  For instance, if you had large System Definition containing one target, you might see deployment failures more frequently than with a smaller SysDef deploying to multiple targets.  It's pretty variable, but the limitations generally come down overall deployment size and ultimately to network throughput.  


I haven't tried playing with this particular setting myself, but you could try switching up the deployment order to deploy to your systems in sequence rather than in parallel.  It sounds like the behavior you're seeing might stem from some network switching issue where VeriStand might be getting bogged down in some capacity since there's such a high volume of traffic coming/going from/to multiple sources.  Maybe deploying to one target at a time would give you better performance (again, haven't validated this but it seems intuitive). 


The bottom node in the System Explorer is called System Initialization.  The default VeriStand behavior is to try to deploy to your targets in one group.  Try dragging the solid colored rectangle (mine's orange in 2017, but that might have changed since 2014) for 'Target2' into the middle column and the 'Target3' rectangle into the far-right column.  On the off chance you're sharing triggers between targets, deploy the slave controllers first so they don't miss the start trigger from the master chassis.  I'm not confident you'll see quicker deployments, but am confident you'll see more consistently successful deployments in this configuration.  


If there's a tangible change in the deployment behavior, let me know!  I'm curious how those changes will play out.  

Matt | NI Systems Engineering
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