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execution of RT driver VIs in custom device

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Hi All


I am building a custom device wherein I am expecting some user input.( user provides input on the main page of the custom device).

Once the input is provided , based on it i am reading specific data from file and creating channels and section.


Previously creation of channels and section i was doing in initailiazation code.  But now As i am expecting user input i cannot create those channels in initialization(reason is before getting input channels will be created which i dont want. My channel creation depends on the user input ).

So this channel creation logic I am now writing in RT driver VI along with my main logic of reading and writing of channels. For this I just want to know when does exactly RT driver VI starts its execution ?

If the RT driver Vi starts execution after adding custom deivce in veristand and after giving the user input then my purpose will be solved.


I hope i have explained my question correctly.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author LV_user1

The driver starts after the system definition is deployed.  I don't think you can add channels in the driver VI.  Nor do I think you want to, because you won't have an interface to them in the system definition.  Without an interface to the channels, i.e. mapping, how will you get data into and out of them?  I think your plan to create channels based on user input and config data is fine.  I suggest you implement in the main page or in custom pages under the main page.


-Steve K

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Message 2 of 3

Thaks for the solution. That is exactly I am doing now. Creation of channels in now under main page.

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Message 3 of 3