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ni veristand system defintion file

I am working with VeriStand and NI HiL.  My task is to have the VeriStand system definition file auto update when we want to change CAN DBs for the project.  I have opened the SDF in notepad ++. 


Under each message there is <Property Name="user.CD.MD5 Frame"> and each signal <Property Name="user.CD.MD5 Signal">. 

On the line below each there is
<BinaryString>ZTI5NjUwMTlmZTdhMDYxNTliN2RhOTcyN2IxNWYxNDI=</BinaryString>  ****This string changes****
From what I know about MD5, the output length is supposed be 32, for all messages and signals the length of the MD5 output is 44.
Why is this?  What exactly does VeriStand use this BinaryString for? What information was converted to the BinaryString?


Screen shots of MD5 Frame and MD5 Signal attached

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These strings are just used internally to determine if a frame or signal has changed when you refresh the XNET database. You are correct that an MD5 should be 32 characters. However, these strings were encoded using a base64 encoding. I don't think that encoding is necessary for any reason.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3

Hi.  You might want to look at something like the VeriStand Simple System Definition API  (  I was able to use this code as a starting point to really dig into the API's to modify and read the VeriStand Sys Def file.  Good Luck!

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