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virtualbench install/launch error

I have NI Virtual Bench 2.6 for Win 2000/NT/9X, and a new Dell Laptop w/ Win 7 and core i5 processor.   AFter installation and on reboot and icon launch of any of the software options (DSA, etc..), i get the following message:  "THe program can't start because nidaq32.dll is missing from your computer.  Try reinstalling to fix this problem."


That said, the file IS on my computer, and reinstalling doesn't remove the message.  The result is an indefinate hang of the system, even the the extent that task manager cannot shut off the message nor close the software.   Please advise correction

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Just a note: The VirtualBench product you're referring to is not the same as the product this forum is for; we released new "VirtualBench" hardware in 2014, and reused the name.


That said, VirtualBench ("Classic"?) 2.6 relies on the Traditional NI-DAQ driver; the latest version, 7.5, only works on 32-bit versions of Windows, and I suspect you probably have Windows 7 64-bit on your laptop.

Brandon Streiff ·
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