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Can't image RoboRIO

While trying to update the firmware on our team's RoboRIO, the power was accidentally disconnected. Firmware version shows as "unknown" un the Silverlight dashboard, and attempts to update the firmware fail.

I assumed my last attempt at fixing this was to image the RIO, but it's not working at all.

I'm encountering an error when running the RoboRIO Imaging Tool. Here's a screenshot of the full error:

Here's a link to a few threads on forums that people have already posted with the same issue:

The only solution offered was "Call NI," but I did (about 5 minutes ago) and was told to post my issue in this forum.

Anyone able to shed some light on this issue?

Message 1 of 17

Are you connected by ethernet?  That IP concerns me if you're not directly connected to the roboRIO from your computer to your directly.  If there's a router or you're connected by USB I'd want to see a different IP.

Try closing out all of the LabVIEW components you may have open to include the roboRIO Imaging Tool.  After that, connect via the USB port.  Open the roboRIO Imaging Tool and see if it finds it on  If you do that, do you get it to reformat successfully?

Also, what's the behavior of your status light?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17

I was connected directly by ethernet. Rebooted the RIO, and my computer, and tried to image again (this time via USB.) Exactly the same problem.

Status light is off, but when I'm in safe mode (which I tried, doesn't change anything), or during the imaging process, it flashes 3 times then pauses and repeats.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 17

Let's try to update the firmware through the WIF.  To access the WIF, go to (or roboRIO-865.local) in a web browser.  You'll need to click "Login" in the upper right corner to update firmware.  The default log and pass are "admin" with a blank password.  If you've changed this, you'll need to know your password.

Once you've logged in, you should see a button to update firmware inside the System Settings dialog.  Click that and navigate to the folder: C:\Program Files(x86)\National Instruments\Shared\Firmware\cRIO\76F2 to look for the firmware update.  Look for the newest file in that folder.  Once you select it, you'll get a new dialog.  You'll want to choose to begin the update.

After that's finished, try to image the roboRIO as you usually would.

Additionally, the threads you linked brought up an issue we've seen with some computers not being successful.  It's possible changing computers will resolve this issue for you.  If that's an option, you might want to take a look at that as well.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 17

When trying to update the firmware"

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 17

Can you try that in Safe Mode?  Or, did you try that already?

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 17

I can't seem to connect to the roboRIO when it's in safe mode - the USB cable doesn't create a network adapter (or even show up in device manager) and the Ethernet cable gets a 169.254 address that the roboRIO isn't on (I nmapped all the possibilities)

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 17

The 169.254 is a link local address.  That means it's not receiving an IP from the router.  Have you tried connecting it directly into your PC in Safe Mode?  That should help with the link local IP.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 17

The RIO is in safe mode, plugged into my computer directly with an ethernet cable. It's acquiring a link-local address because the RIO doesn't run a DHCP server, AFAIK. Normally that's not a problem, and it works fine directly plugged in, but when in safe mode the RIO doesn't seem to be connecting through Ethernet or USB.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 17

There's an option to obtain the IP from the DHCP server.  By default, it's set to use that option and then revert to link local if it doesn't receive the IP.  You can modify this behavior if needed.  But, that's not something we'd really want to do.

Have you installed any of the NI software?  If so, there was a utility called MAX installed.  Typically, I prefer avoid getting into MAX when working with FRC projects.  In this case, let's try.  You can go to your Start Menu and search for MAX and it should appear.  You'll want to look under remote systems.  Right-click on your roboRIO and choose to "Format" from this dialogue.  With the USB not working in Safe Mode, do this normally and see if the Format is successful.  If it is, you can try to go through the imaging as normal.

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Message 10 of 17