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Temporary directory for LabVIEW application builder

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I have LabVIEW 2020 professional version installed on my computer. I have used application builder to build multiple applications without any issue until recently (probably after some Windows updates? but I am not sure). Right now, when I try to build even the same application that used to work before, I am getting "Error copying files...". Inside this long error message, I could see something like "Destination: C:\tNIAB\..." followed by

"Copy in Copy From Folder To>Librarian>>>>>>>>>>><APPEND>

When I check the detailed error I could see this following,


Click the link below to visit the Application Builder support page. Use the following information as a reference:

Error 6 occurred at ->

Possible reason(s):

LabVIEW: (Hex 0x6) Generic file I/O error.
I/O operation aborted."


I have tried to repair the whole LabVIEW from NI package manager but see no difference after that.

Does anyone know how to get this fixed?


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Message 1 of 4

Can you share a slimmed-down version of this project? Also, can you try to build a new application with a new project and just a blank VI as the main and see if it still fails?


Sometimes application builder throws that error 6 if the folder where you are building is open, so just make sure windows explorer or any other applications that might be using that folder are completely closed?

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Message 2 of 4

R-click the build action in the project and select "Clear" or something similar and make sure no files from that structure is open in another program and it'll lock them.

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by stevensung

Thank you for all replies to my post.


After some troubleshooting, I realized there were some dependency subVIs broken. These subVIs are part of the .NET calls and were not ringing the bells when I tested the main VI in the development mode for some reasons. After fixing them all, I retried to build the application and this time it worked.


So I will close out this topic. 

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