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Is it possible to manually use DIO Pin14 for bit-banging?

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I recently asked for slowing down the I2C SCL clock, but as far as I know, the SCL signal comes from a defined function in the FPGA. Therefore it's not possible to change values there. 

Now I wanted to give it a try and use the SCL Pin14 manually to communicate via bit-banging. But if I use the myRIO express VI for DIO Output I cannot use Pin14 (SCL). Pin15 (SDA) is availabe. I don't want to use seperate lines for bit-banging. Instead I want to communicate over the same 2-wire bus as the native I2C uses. I don't want to use both VIs (native and bit-banging) at the same time. 

Is it possible to address Pin14 in any way?



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Timri85

Hello Timri85,

using the I2C functions (low Level or Express VI) of the myRio library "locks" the defined Pins. Therefore the pins can't be used on RT Level for other functions like bitbanging. This can't be easily changed. The only way is to implemented I2C on the FPGA as I mentioned in your other post.

Best regards


Florian Fischer
Trainee Applications Engineering, NI Germany
Certified LabVIEW Developer
Message 2 of 3

Thank you Florian, now I know how to proceed.

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