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Sample Exam Solutions for Review

Dear user jordanG i have visted that page Certification Preparation Page  but the page that you requested may have been moved or deleted.

0 Kudos
Message 271 of 623

It was probably moved like you said but you can get to all of the preperation material from the following site.




Just select the exam you are preparing for and there should be be links at the bottom to sample exams and review material.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
0 Kudos
Message 272 of 623



I include a solution for sprinkler CLD sample. I appreciate it to receive your opinions about it. I didn't take alot of care for error handling, so I guess it is my first mistake.



0 Kudos
Message 273 of 623

Hi Ali,


I would agree that proper error handling would be an improvement. In addition, by adding error handling, you might be able to improve your program data flow (e.g. remove the flat sequence in your "Initialize" case. I would urge you to run the VI Analyzer tool on your project as it will reveal many improvements that could be made.


IMO, the single run case was meant to run one complete cycle of all of the zones not just one zone. I hope this feedback helps. Don't forget to study the "LabVIEW Development Guidelines".


Kind regards,


Rick Wagner

0 Kudos
Message 274 of 623

Hi Mike,


I am sorry but I am unable to get your VI to run. After starting it I just press start and then move the slider to put the car into position. It doesn't change state after that. I debugged it a little bit and it seems like the timer is not pausing.


The use of local variables is probably not something that will win points. It seems like shift registers on the main loop is the preferred way to store data between states. That way data flow is preserved. 


Kind regards,


Rick Wagner

Message 275 of 623

Thanks Rick.


Yet, how would rate the solution (out of a 100)?

0 Kudos
Message 276 of 623

Hi all,


I took the CLA exam a few days ago and have to say this thread (and the whole certification section of the forum actually) really helped. Its good to see and hear different perspectives and approaches to the exams. Keep it up guys!


The only tiny thing I might suggest is that you might break the 'Sample Exam Solutions for Reviews' into CLD and CLA threads. Searching through 26 pages to find a CLA example probably isn't a big deal......but....well it is to lazy people like me Smiley Wink Just an idea. Apologies if this has already been suggested.


Thanks again.



Message 277 of 623

Hi Ali,


Apologies, but I am unable to devote that much time to the review to actually give it a comprehensive evaluation.


Kind regards,



0 Kudos
Message 278 of 623

Hi Rick,


Thank you for you response and for taking the time to review my proposed solution. I agree that the problem did reside in the timing\pause, and I have since corrected it.


I'm hoping I don't make the same mistake twice as I will be taking the exam later today.


Aside from that, did you feel the style, etc. was worthy of passing the CLD?





Certified LabVIEW Architect
Miami University
Instrumentation Laboratory

CLA Logo
0 Kudos
Message 279 of 623

       Hi All
Would greatly appreciate any feedback on my attached solution to the Car wash application.

Best regards


0 Kudos
Message 280 of 623