Continuous Integration

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The LabVIEW Continuous Integration Project

@Bas.v.E wrote:

his happens when i try to build the project in the CI project builder on the development system

And I assume you've checked all the usual network stuff (i.e. you can ping the server from your dev machine, or you are running the Project Builder on your Jenkins machine)?  (One has to ask these things...)

0 Kudos
Message 51 of 71

Yes i can connect from all the VM(development and alfred) to the Jenkins server port 8080 and i checked the read/writes acces of the folders. I have tried to run the project builder on the jenkins server and it gave me the same error. 


So just to be clear:

I have the jenkins server with CI server installed and running

I have a alfred node which is found by the jenkins server

I have a development machine with the CI project builder

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Message 52 of 71

Did you restart Jenkins after installing the build scripts?

0 Kudos
Message 53 of 71

Yes, just to be sure i didn't miss anything i read the manual twice to check my steps.

0 Kudos
Message 54 of 71

Try running the Project Builder on your Jenkins machine.  That's not where we want to be long-term, but it will let us get the network out of the way.

0 Kudos
Message 55 of 71

When I run The CI project builder on the same machine as the jenkins server and labview CI Server, I still get the same error. I tried localhost:8080 and as Jenkins Hostname


One other note: the Labview CI service will not shut down properly.

0 Kudos
Message 56 of 71

Would it be possible to setup jenkins on linux OS and build jobs on windows slave node?

0 Kudos
Message 57 of 71

I did that with Mac OS and VMware virtual machines running Windows (before I switched to gitlab), so if there's an executable for Linux you should be able to do that as well.

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Message 58 of 71



I've managed to get Jenkins and the LabVIEW packages installed. When trying to build the Test project I am always getting a timeout error. Have already restarted Jenkins after running the web service and also have Alfred setup. I also see no messages when the build is trying to happen. Even after waiting a while nothing shows up and do not see anything until closing the build window which is when the error message pops up.Jenkins error.PNG


Any ideas on next steps I can try?

0 Kudos
Message 59 of 71


I seem to have the same problem as CAgator28.

I am running the builder on the same machine that the server is installed.




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Message 60 of 71