DATA AHEAD toolkit support Discussions

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XLR8 Deployment Considerations

If you want to deploy an application built with the XLR8 components, please consider the following:

- Your target PC needs to have the Microsoft .NET Runtime 2.0 or newer installed

- .NET 4.0 does not contain .NET 2.0. Therefore, on Windows XP make sure to install .NET 3.5 alongside, which includes .NET 2.0. Newer OSes have .NET 2.0 installed.

- The target PC should have Windows XP SP3 installed or run on Windows 7 or 8.

- You supply the LabVIEW application along with all dependencies. Ideally, build an installer from LabVIEW

- If you do not wish to build an installer, please make sure to supply the library files of this folder with the Application.exe: "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW xxxx\vi.lib\DATA AHEAD\XLR8\lib"

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