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Currently you can only search for one channel at the same time with the advanced search as shown in the first graphic. if you select two channels at once, no search results will be found.
Diadem Bsp1.PNG

It would be very helpful if you could search for several channels with different characteristics at once.

for example, one could look for measurements that contain a first channel with a particular property and at the same time contain a second channel with a different property. It would also be helpful if the different properties of the search were linked by setting the brackets.

here's an example

Diadem Bsp2.PNG

such a function would greatly facilitate the evaluation of large data volumes.
best regards

Rather than a channel that has a "fixed" value (numeric or string), this new "calculation channel" type would be a function of other channels.  Currently, if Channel3 = Channel1 + Channel2, and then I change the values for either Channel1 or Channel2, I have to re-execute the calculation


ChnCalculate("Ch(""Channel3"") = Ch(""Channel1"") + Ch(""Channel2"")")


Now, if there was a "calculation channel" where I could define Channel 3 as "Channel1 + Channel2", I wouldn't need to perform this re-execution! 


Another way to explain is to have a channel that works like Excel calculation cells.  The cell calculation stays the same, and when the input cells change, the result cell is automatically updated. 


I'm not sure if I explained this well, please ask for clarification if necessary. 

When I am loading multiple same-named channels into the Data Portal from a DataFinder Search Results list (after 'searching for channels'), if I load these channels into the data portal, by default they all load into the 'default' group, and because they have the same name, they are re-named inside the Data Portal with suffix numbers.


I think it would be better to create a new group in the Data Portal with the name of the group the channels belong to in their respective files, or at least provide this option.

Need a script command to disable the display of the local file system in the Navigator Browser window.  This can be done through the user interface as shown in the attached image, but an equivalent script command is not published.  Reasons:


1) Keep the user focused on using Navigator search within indexed search areas.

2) For custom applications powered by DIAdem






Diadem should use the tdms-format as default for saving

Preparatory having compressed TDM(s), the ready defined MDF4.1 could be used to save disk space.

It might require too much computation time but I was wondering if the DataFinder could calculate and store such characteristic values as channel min/max during it's index. I would find this really helpful.

If it is not practical to do on the fly, how about an extra option on the context menu in Navigator - in addition to 'Re-Index File' etc there would be 'Calculate Characteristic Values' which would then calculate and save the valeus back to the files for the file/folder/drive selected. 


I've noticed that the easiest way to relate a channel calculation back to the original channel is to append to the channel name:








Filtering for *engspeed, or *engspeed_rpm will return all of the above channels, but in my experience I rarely want to see all the additional channels...With enough channels, it can effectively obscure the channel you're looking for!


The simplest way I can think of to obscure these with the current functionality would be to have a stop character ("\"?) to prevent the filter from grabbing anything beyond that point:

*EngSpeed_rpm\ would return anything ending in *EngSpeed_rpm


Another way would be to get rid of the assumed * at the end of the filter, forcing people to put one on themselves when necessary (but that would be changing the current functionality and would likely confuse users at first):

*Engspeed_rpm would return anything ending in *EngSpeed_rpm

*EngSpeed_rpm* would return everything with EngSpeed_rpm inside it


This would also be nice for looking for channels that end in something, like anything ending in *nm\ rather than anything with nm in the name...

Simplify how to create a DataPlugin. I should be able to define a binary layout like a telemetry stream and directly assign channels.


For example, A new GUI would be created. I define the telemetry stream which has three floating point numbers then an integer, repeat. Assign channel names Volts, Amps, Power Out, and Setting. Perhaps set the built-in properties. Press a button the plug in is automatically created.

It´s boring and annoying to open a Datafile and the Report-File manually.

When I open a Datafile and change to Report, then the Fileopen-Button opens a complete different directory and i have to click (many clicks!) to the destination where the Datafile was loaded from.

Please improve this!

Having network directories available in the DataFinder is a great tool. However, if a network directory is added as a default search locations AND the network cable is unplugged, DIAdem will hang for a very long period of time. Windows commands are used to query for network locations. If not connected to the network, the timeout for these commands is quite large. 


While this is technically expected behavior, it is not ideal software functionality to hang if a network cable is unplugged.



Luke W

Create SQL interface for the datafinder.


When developing scripts, I frequently add channel groups for analysis results, using


call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis")


However, when re-running the scripts, successive groups "analysis1", "analysis2" etc. are created. This is a handy feature that I should not want to miss at some times, BUT

at other times I want to skip the creation of new channel groups. As a work-around I litter my code with 'exist'-statements such as


If not call data.root.channelgroups.exists("analysis") then

       call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis")

end if

Set oResGrp = data.root.channelgroups("analysis")


Now, my suggestion is to add a command such as "AddOrReplace" or "Use", which would use the existing group if it exists and creates a new group if not. Pretty much the same behaviour as with the calculator, where

CH("NewChannel")= CH("oldChannel") will create a new channel or overwrite an existing one.



call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis")

would work as we know it and

call data.root.channelgroups.Use("analysis")

would create a new object or use the existing one.

Alternatively one could supply an optional paramter to the .Add-method like

call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis",0)

 as default using the well-known behaviour whereas

call data.root.channelgroups.add("analysis",1)

would change to create or replace.


Obviously the same would come in handy for channels or other objects that use an .add-method.


Thank you



Many of my metadata properties are very long and do not display well in the DataFinder search results view.  I would love for an option to be available to "word wrap" the titles (similar as is available in the DIAdem VIEW legend settings).  


In my attached image, I can not see the title of my properties with the default length, and if I make the length long enough, I cannot see very many properties per page!



I'm a student in my last year of studies and I'm not that good working with scripts.

I work with Diadem to analyze my real-time data,  and when i import the excel files ( One year of data gathered in excel files separately ) into Diadem my columns change automatically to text format So i guess the solution in to write a script to convert my channels into Numeric format?


I want to be able to programmatically (vbScript) resize / hide Navigator panel windows for properties and channel preview.  See attachment.  This is an important DIAdem customization feature.  



In DIAdem 2015 a function to optimize the DataType was included to Analysis (ChnOptimizeDataType).

I think it would be very helpfull, to have this as a option while saving data.

The needed Discspace of optimized Data is just a fraction compared to storing in Float64.

I would like to export the table from the Navigator search pane into Excel or a CSV file so we can use that in a report (Word) as an overview of performed measurements.

We can quite good configure that table so let's make use of that.

