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It's very common you need to do a presentation with several information and if you can put a video playing a synchronized video, map, audio and data graphs, like DIAdem VIEW do, your presentation will be cause a excellent impression. To do this today you need a capture screen toll, If DIAdem have a native tool to do this it would be great.




Being able to create a report with different page sizes


At the worksheet parameters you can choose to use local page format, but you can only select the orientation (portrait or landscape). I Propose to add page size property when you select to use local page format, being able to indicate Height, Width or ratio.


different page size.png

It would be helpful to distribute the individual windows (View, Script, ...) to several monitors

It would be nice to have a linked X-Axis with different values as a part of the same Report plot.


For example, If I wanted to plot the same data set against T and 1/T.


Even if two sets of X-Axes were allowed, at least I could create two data series, put them each on a different axis, and set the bounds to match correctly. 

Using Calculate for basic mathematical functions is like taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Cause Calculate takes ages compared to e.g. ChnAdd, ChnMul, ChnDiv etc. But on the other hand it lets you script formulas in an easy-to-read format.

The idea is to have a pre-processor analyzer for scripts that identifies Calculate commands and checks if these commands could be translated into a series of these basic mathematical functions. If yes, then the script engine should be able to do so in the background in order to speed up the calculation.

By default, the datafinder is launched when Windows starts. This can be easily removed by msconfig.


When we run DIAdem, the datafinder pops up in the task bar, which is totally normal as DIAdem uses it for a number of tasks. But when it comes to closing DIAdem, the DataFinder still lives in the task bar. When I look at how much RAM it takes, I'm pretty much surprised about the 30MB used.


What about an general option where we could choose to close the DataFinder when DIAdem exits ?

On a more global note, what about adding a "Close" method to the datafinder object (no it does not exist, contrary to Connect and Open...) ?


Regards 😉



I have a customer who would like to use 3D Axis systems on VIEW section.


This function is for Report section.

As you can see below.DIAdem_Report.png


He would like to realize this function on VIEW section as well.


I wish this function would be made for VIEW section as well.




Eisuke Ono


storethere.jpgMany DIAdem ANALYSIS functions offer storing the result in the original channel. And if this is not chosen, result goes into 'default group'.

My suggestion is to add another checkbox to chose storing in the group of origin.

Then, if I do an analysis over 25 groups (a typical number in R&R studies) each group will contain the calculation results of their own source data.

OK, I can call set default group. But still, I'd like to be able to use that feature 🙂





Since DIAdem 2018, the number of 5 worker objects has been restricted to 5. This is a difficult limitation for those who are enjoying the use of unlimited worker objects in earlier versions of DIAdem, and do not want to purchase the Analysis Server.  

Just a very tiny feature I would wish would be a scalable window for help topics. Browsing through a large number of found topics for one keyword is not really ergonomic.



it is not possible to see which values are in an array.

on normal variables i can follow what happend while debuging the script.


it yould be great to show whats going on with my array.

display like an excel, or in first step like (22.5; 21; 99; ...) when you turn you mouse over the variable

I am sure that this is far from a 'new idea'.  I have been using DiAdem 11.1, and have not looked at the new features of 2010 yet.  The new idea...use LabVIEW code to make scripts.  I know LabVIEW very well, that is how I make the TDMS files; but the idea of data analysis or automation comes to a standstill when you tell me I need to learn VB to manipulate or work with the data I just gathered beyond the canned toolsets already in DiAdem.  DiAdem needs to be like Teststand in this regard.  You can use different code types with Teststand, and it works.  And this needs to work in all the different categories of scripting or automation (Navigator, View, Analysis, etc.)  Any software package NI creates should have LabVIEW as the center point, and always require seamless integration of LabVIEW code.  I think that comes down to plain-jane good marketing strategy.

I have a project where we have a fixed TDMS "schema" (layout and properties) which are used by a data server to import the files.

I have found that opening and saving the files in DIAdem causes any spaces to be replaced with underscores. From the perspective of my data server the file is now corrupt.


I would like DIAdem to support these spaces as they are clearly supported by the TDMS specification.

It would be a nice featre to do much more comfortable programming. Nearly each Editor suppurt the described feature.

We use scripts extensively to automate many tasks in a consistent manner, so we back these scripts up in a version control system to track changes and revert back to a know version if issues arise.


However, because we also use Diadem dialogs we need to create SUD files to house not only the menus but also the scripts that can be built into them. These SUD files are binary in nature and cannot be compared in the version control system, which is primarily a text based tool, and because the fileformat is unknown any differences at the binary level are not easily understood.


My idea is to have a tool that can parse a SUD file to extract the script associated with each dialog and export that script to a VBS file in a programmatic manner, such that multiple VBS files can be created quickly instead of having to open each SUD file and its many dialogs and then capturing the scripts. The benefit this brings is that there will now be the ability to track script differences in any text diff tool of your choice, it would not address any changes of a graphical nature within the SUD file, but that is not the motivation for this idea.

This idea is borrowed from other programmers editors where you can select a sub-routine name or function name and then right click on this name to jump to where it is defined. The path to search for could be based on the currently open scripts within Diadem Script editor or it could be extended to all user commands currently loaded.

Goto Defined

It was nice to have a conditional breakpoint, so only if a variable reaches a value

the executions stops and i can continue with debugging.




Thanks a lot.

Create a version of Diadem that has no user interface. This version would merely run scripts for use in delivered custom solutions.

I think DIADem would be a great solution if it came with a web-based client which would allow users to:


- Login remotely using a standard web-browser

- Allow users to access data from their web-browser without having to install any exectuables or active-x components

- Basically allows similar functionality of the VIEW tool, execpt make it web-based.


DIADem would be a great collaboration tool if it could be used without having to install a bunch of EXEs on every computer.  And going for a Citrix-style thin-client solution is just too costly.  Built-in web-based access would be awesome.

I've been spoiled by using other scripting environments lately, and thought I'd suggest a few features that I feel would make scripting in DIAdem a little more convenient:

  • Check for un-dimmed variables when Option Explicit is turned on
  • Check for unused dimmed variables (very helpful for cleanup)
  • Check for variables that are used, but never initialized to a value

I feel these would be really useful for identifying and fixing bugs (especially for inexperienced script writers) and cleaning up old scripts, while not requiring major changes to the interface (although they could get really annoying if implemented incorrectly, may be difficult to implement in the back end, and may even require manual compilation to detect?).


