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I know this would be a major change. At least VBS is not proprietary like some other software that has a script interface, and at least VBS supports OOP.


But VBS is from the 90's, the documentation is from the 90's and early 2000's at best, with associated lack of support. The full potential of diadem is really limited by this. If I could use Python, a much better supported, easier to use language, I would be extremely grateful. All my data processing tools are written in Python. I'm just trying to automate test reports, get channel names to identify the data the user put in the Data Portal etc. I am willing to put in time to interface with APIs or DLLs if someone can point me in the right direction in the interim. 


To be brutally honest, it is almost laughable that with diadem 2017, it has a flashy UX/UI, yet uses this archaic language for automation, where most time is saved. A system is ony as good as its weakest link.

When exporting plots of measurement analysis, unfortunately the reader can only see what was plotted and is not able to zoom / scroll through 2D plots or rotate 3D plots. Matlab .fig figures go into that direction but can only be used with Matlab. 

I know there is a way to import 3D objects into a PDF,  but I haven't used this so far. I've heard of the possibility to integrate Matlab plots into interactive PDFs - maybe like this can be made possible with DIAdem?   


I think a document with interactively viewable plots would be a great advantage in discussing test results, and it would be a big advantage for NI DIAdem if the tool would be able to export plots / documents in such a way. Maybe PDF is an option - maybe there are other/better formats for this. 

I have not found a straight forward way to label axes ticks with text instead of numbers, so I would suggest this as a feature in a new release. At the moment we are working with text fields which is a very cumbersome way and not very user-friendly when editing the report.


It would be very nice, if there would be a way to implement text labeling for x, y and z axis.


Example: I have a state channel that contains values between 2 and 8. This channel is an assignment channel, therefore I could create a corresponding text channel containing the status description for each value. This way, it would be possible to display a table but as the channel has 3600 values, this wouldn't be very readable and a 2D plot of the state events would be more helpful (e.g. state changing from off to passive etc.) 


One could for example expand the axis scaling settings where a tick channel can already be assigned by a text + index or an assignment channel assignment.


Today I found a way of combining a bar plot and a line plot to achieve this goal, which still isn't a nice way: 

- Bar plot:  X channel is a numerical channel only containing NoValues [Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv,Nv] (we don't want to see bars), Y channel is a string channel which contains the Y-Axis labeling we want [ -,off,-,on,-,passive,-,idle] (we want our labels on Y-Index 2,4,6,8 - that's why the string channel has "empty values") 

- Line plot: X channel is the time channel, Y channel is the state channel, containing values of the set (2,4,6,8)



Currently there is no "title" for axes objects in REPORT.  I can add free text, but then when I move the axis system, everything else related to the axis moves with the axis system (axes labels, legend, etc) but not the free text.  A "label" would fix this problem and would make the axis system more like Excel...

Assignment channels are useful for converting extremely long text channels with repeated values into numeric channels for saving, but I feel like viewing the text values in table format is clumsy as it requires converting the channel back to text or manually looking up the value in the Assignments property "Parameters" dialog.


I would like to see a native option in the "Format" box to directly display the assignment text rather than the numeric value for assignment channels in VIEW and REPORT tables.

For example, in the Format Numbers dialog, in addition to Automatic ("AutoAdj"), Number ("d.dd"), Date/Time ("#mm/dd/yyyy"), etc. entries, you would also see Assignment ("Assign") option.  This would allow you to display the numeric value by default as it works today (to preserve efficiency in VIEW and backwards compatibility), or be able to see the text directly in the table.


A few challenges:

  • I assume this would make the channel read-only in VIEW, as the .Values AssignmentChannel property is today.
  • Displaying of text values for unassigned numeric ranges.  Probably just stick with "NOVALUE", but could also do "UNASSIGNED"?


I believe the same visibility could be accomplished through an X-Table toggling between .Values and .DValues, so hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to accomplish natively.


I've attached some image mock-ups for clarity.



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In general, DIAdem does not handle single-value data well.  I think the argument would be “if a data channel only has one value this should be meta-data” and I agree, but DIAdem doesn’t 

have great options for viewing/plotting metadata. 


Suggested improvements:

  • allow dragging properties into a table
  • allow plotting property over multiple channels (without having to create channel containing property data)

Add "Wrap and truncate" text wrap functionality to REPORT axis labels (similar implementation as currently available in legends and tables).  


When channel names are very long, it would be helpful to have a  "wrap and truncate" feature like other areas in DIadem.

When I drag and drop a channel property to REPORT it always puts it into a text box.  If I have an existing table in REPORT, it would be nice if I could drag the property there, and it would automatically populate an "expression".  Right now, I have to go into the text object, copy the code and paste into a table expression.

It´s boring and annoying to open a Datafile and the Report-File manually.

When I open a Datafile and change to Report, then the Fileopen-Button opens a complete different directory and i have to click (many clicks!) to the destination where the Datafile was loaded from.

Please improve this!

Sometimes it is necessary to show a zoom of a measurement and to mark which area of the complete measurement is shown.



Connect two Graph Objects in that way, that one shows the complete measurement and one a zoomed area. The zoomed area should be marked in the first Graph automatically and be actualized if the scaling of the zoomed Graph is changed  (see picture):


Possible solution: if you copy a graph-object and after that you change the scaling of the copied-one, then a rectangle will show the zoomed area in the first graph. There could be an option, that copied graphs are automatically connected together as long, as they contain the same channels. As long as this link between the multiple graphs is active, the source(mother)-graph will automatically show the zoomed areas of all child graphs as colored rectangles.

I've been struggling with setting up contour plots in the report the way that I would like to and it is mainly due to the limited ability to customize the color legend and isolines. I've posted about this in the normal forums and no one has found a way to set up the plots the way I would like. Relevant post can be found here:


I would like to see the following options for the contour plots in reports:

  • Option for color legend to display first, last, and every nth symbol. 
  • Option to have two contour tables; one for the colors/legend, one for isolines. 
  • Ability to adjust where the symbol text is displayed relative to the color legend
  • Option in the dialog box to select how many colors are in the palette (i.e. 16, 32 or 64), this can be done via script but not through a dialog.

I would suggest that it should be possible to create simple texts in table form in the report without having to create and fill data channels. For example, to display setpoints in Reports with recurring measurements.