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Splash screen for DQMH based project

Hey everyone,

On my way back to home after GDevCon I found time to work on a topic that came in an evening discussion: displaying a splash screen as fast as possible even if the app is large (or if it runs on a slow machine).

Nothing revolutionary in the code but it could be useful.


You can download project here --> https://gitlab.com/OlivierJourdan/splash-screen-for-dqmh

Project is generated from Create Project…​ window (Delacor QMH template) and I added Splash Screen.lvlib, added code in Application.lvlib:main.vi (see #SplashScreen bookmarks) and modified the build specification.


In runtime, Splash Screen window is shown as fast as possible and then loads the entire application

Splash Screen window is closed when main application window is open

Splash Screen window can display any message you want to show initialization steps to the user

Known issues/ improvements
File version have to be removed from Application.lvlib:main.vi because it breaks the code when the application is built

Remove unused members of project libraries option need to be unchecked (Category:Additionnal exclusions)



Any comment, bug fix, test on large application, any improvements are welcome 🙂 

Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
Message 1 of 7

Hi Olivier, 


That was fast!


I will check it out when I am in front of the computer.


I normally rely on BLT by StudioBods to create the splash screen for my application but this will be handy for when I don't use BLT or to add to large apps loaded via BLT.




I would like to try your code on the CML sample template project that ships with DQMH.


Thanks for sharing,


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Message 2 of 7

Shameless plug here: Our Windows Application Template (part of the code we're sharing) also features a splash screen that shows while dynamically loading the application itself and the DQMH modules. If I remember correctly, our splash screen is based on something that Steve Watts posted a long time ago.


More information here:



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Message 3 of 7

@FabiolaDelaCueva  a écrit :

Hi Olivier, 


That was fast!


I will check it out when I am in front of the computer.


I normally rely on BLT by StudioBods to create the splash screen for my application but this will be handy for when I don't use BLT or to add to large apps loaded via BLT.




I would like to try your code on the CML sample template project that ships with DQMH.


Thanks for sharing,


Hi Fab,


Traveling by train is far more comfortable to code than a plane 😉


I look forward to your feedback.


Note : I though this morning, that it would be interesting to link the splash screen to the "debugger" you talked about (key combination at start or INI key)

Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
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Message 4 of 7

@joerg.hampel  a écrit :

Shameless plug here: Our Windows Application Template (part of the code we're sharing) also features a splash screen that shows while dynamically loading the application itself and the DQMH modules. If I remember correctly, our splash screen is based on something that Steve Watts posted a long time ago.


More information here:



Hi Joerg,

Thank you for sharing this. I should have given a glance at this before...

It's never too late 😉

Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
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Message 5 of 7

@joerg.hampel wrote:

If I remember correctly, our splash screen is based on something that Steve Watts posted a long time ago.


Which used the art I created for one of my NIweek presentations that he gave at NIDays UK... We have come full circle 🙂


This link includes the presentation, the link to the video, and link to Steve's version:



The LabVIEW community is amazing!

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Message 6 of 7

@Olivier-JOURDAN wrote:

Note : I though this morning, that it would be interesting to link the splash screen to the "debugger" you talked about (key combination at start or INI key)


Check out the CML sample project template. That one already comes with a debugger that gets launched when the exe is called via the command prompt with the argument --debug. The exe build spec is already part of the project. 


I think I would have your code ( or Joerg's code or a combination of all of the above ) call the debugger. The debugger already hides its front panel if the debug argument is missing. 


Also, if you have not done so already, check the pre-build VI we use in that project to change the properties of the VI. There are some tricks for that VI to not show on the task bar when it is loaded headless.


Agree that it is easier to code when traveling by train. I was so tired yesterday that I slept most of the way in the train to Amsterdam. Perhaps on the way back I will take advantage of this.


Thanks again for sharing!




For an opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Steve, Joerg, and Brian amongst them):
Check out DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop!

DQMH Lead Architect * DQMH Trusted Advisor * Certified LabVIEW Architect * Certified LabVIEW Embedded Developer * Certified Professional Instructor * LabVIEW Champion * Code Janitor

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Message 7 of 7