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Problem with camera not showing in Dashboard


I did see that error at one point when my battery was low.  I noticed that the light on the camera would occasionally turn on and off.  Can you verify that you are using a fully charged battery?

What cable are you using to connect to the camera?  You should be using the Orange Crossover cable from your kit.

If this is not the case, can you try to power up the robot, and after it has turned on, hit the reset button on the cRIO?  I am wondering if this is occurring during a specific boot up sequence.

Just to double check, are you running the Dashboard from the Intel Classmate (Driver Station) or from a different development PC?  If you are running a custom Dashboard from a different Development PC you need to make sure that you have selected the Remote Dashboard button on the Setup tab of the Driver Station.

And not to sound like a broken record but we definitely want to double and triple check that you ran through the instructions in Chapter 2 section 12 of the Control Systems Manual.  If the network settings are not set up properly then you will definitely not be able to communicate with the Camera.

I hope this helps!


Bob H

NI FIRST Support

Bob H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

Yes, battery fully charged.  Camera is connected to power panel 5V as spec'd.

Correct crossover cable.

I reset the cRIO while deployed code was running, and when it came back up the problem persisted.

I'm on the Classmate, but I have also tried it on another laptop, with remote Dashboard.  Remote Dashboard ran fine except for the camera.

The camera is from last year - and I can get an image on last year's dashboard, using last year's code on the cRIO (and last year's cRIO image file of course).  When I went to set up the camera this year it seemed that all the settings were the same.  Right ip, right user accounts and passwords - I even re-did the root admin account just to be sure, (the other is FRC FRC), both are in the Administrator group.

The works - the camera picks up multiple targets drawn on paper, and a probe show the image fine.

One last thing - I did get an image on the Dashboard before I ran the Driver Station Update 1.0 on the Classmate.  But never again after the update.


0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21

Team1182 is experiencing the same problem.  Battery fully charged, camera connected, correct cable, driver station and labview updated properly.

When using the classmate, we do not receive a camera image - we get the exact same vi error as listed above -

When we use a HP PC, running the driver station program, we get a camera image fine from the Dashboard - the camera we are using is last year's camera, with last year's cRIO -

Any assistance would be appreciated - we would like to use the classmate because it appears to have less lagtime than the laptop as it is only running the driver station, and nothing else -

Team 1182

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

It seems like in some cases the DS update does not always update the dashboard. Can you confirm that the dashboard has a compass in the lower right corner? If it does not, you have an older version. Some people have been successfull getting everything updated by uninstalling the DS and then reinstalling the DS update.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21


We have a potential sollution care of our friends on Chief Delphi.  The following remcommended procedure worked for us.  It is clear that the new Dashboard is very different from the default.  It is easily identified by the addition of two arrows and a circle above the camera image (as well as a lot of additional stuff)  Very nice.  If your dashboard does not have the arrows, then you are working with the wrong version.  Try the following.

I finally got camera output + target data on the dashboard. The problem was indeed the drivers station update.

Here's how to fix it:

  1. Download the drivers station update:
  2. Run the drivers station update and install.
  3. Run the drivers station update and select remove for both components.
  4. Run the drivers station update and install.

This fixes it. NI needs to fix the installer.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

The uninstall-install worked for us!


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 21


will attempt this tomorrow to see if it corrects the problem - will let you know!  The Classmate does have the correct version of the dashboard, however, with the buttons appearing as mentioned - We will try the uninstall and reinstall any way -

Team 1182

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21

Worked here. Thanks


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21

Worked here - our first installation did have the correct dashboard, but the uninstall and reinstall worked - thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21

Hello all,

This issue is currently under investigation by our R&D team.  They were already aware of it right before this past weekend but I was not updated until this morning.  For right now the workaround listed above is the best option.

As soon as there is any new information we will make sure to post it here.  Thank you all for your patience when dealing with this issue.  Make sure to keep us updated if this workaround does not work for you or if there is any other strange behavior that you run into.


Bob H

NI FIRST Support

Bob H
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 20 of 21