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Generate Code Tank Drive Not Working

Without the FCS, what happens when you run the teleop program on the NXT? What router are you using for the FCS setup? I wouldn't think this would be the issue since you can initiate the mode switch from FCS. The controller works in LabView debug, but not with FCS. I'm assuming that you setup the controller as Red 1 Driver 1 and that you have setup the robot to connect as Red 1. It almost sounds more tlike an FCS issue rather than a Lab View teleop issue. Thanks.

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Message 11 of 16

jmarkesino,  (and 7351)

Looking at 7351's posts makes me wonder if they are actually using a 'router' and running the 'Samantha Competition' software. We are having similar issues at the LVLM RC Editor level. When trying to use the 'Teleop' to simulate the FCS (used to be the 'FTC Game' button) instead of 'Prototype' mode. In this situation 'we are the Program Chooser', by selecting which program to run. (NOTE: The Program Chooser program has no impact here, whatsoever)

The reason I pointed out the grayed out motors in your code, is that it is what has been occurring in our code quite often this season (even with a valid Schematic Editor defined). As you can imagine if you manage to deploy code that doesn't address the right tetrix motors, then the robot won't RUN. Often times the 'generate code' button is linking to the 'DC Motor' block to 'Lego Motors' successfully deploys --- but robot doesn't run.

Of course, if wrong motors are linked...the deployed program will do nothing even running under an actual FCS set-up (and this is the only place that the 'Program Chooser' file that was created is utilized.)

Beware: Just confirmed that the RC Editor (in 'Telop' mode the 'download and run' ) will deploy a 'Computer Target' vi to the NXT !! The program will not work, of course. Just something to look out for.

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 16

Thanks for all the discussion around this subject in an effort to resolve issues teams are having.  I will attempt to reply this evening with more details based on the input today.

In brief, though, I can confirm that we are running all activities wireless via a router as defined in the setup materials.  We use the isolated home network (not connected to the internet) to transfer Labview files to the NXT as well as to operate the FCS.  Based on my run down of activities, I suspect the problem is either related to a) the identification of the controller in the Labview generated code (we are not having the grey out problems noted by others to the best of my knowledge) or b) the FCS recognition of the controller itself.  Everything else appears to check out correctly.

When running the code in test via Labview directly, everything operates perfectly (albeit with extremely simple code) as intended.  The controller problem only occurs when operating the FCS in teleop mode.  In that situation, the game starts in autonomous with the robot functioning as intended.  It pauses waiting for the teleop start command.  Upon teleop start, the robot receives the teleop code (we tested by inserting display text as well as a few step autonous sequence which all function) but when getting to the controller code, the controller does not operate (presumably it is not recognized).  I do not know of a debug method to test if the controller is seen or sends packets to the robot.  Note: If we turn off autonomous and initiate the teleop portion of the game directly, the same error occurs.

Thanks again for all the input.  I will try to contribute with additional information when I can get back to the unit and troubleshoot this evening. 


Message 13 of 16

WOW! I love the detailed description you just gave. It gives me an idea of what to expect (we haven't bothered with the whole FCS bit yet). I guess I'll start exploring that sooner (rather than later).

We've been having so many issues with the base LVLM 2012/MCT installation itself, I just wanted to be clear that your problem was not coming from there (of course, maybe it IS intrinsically).

With scrimmages and Qualifiers in our sites, we're running out of time too!

The FCS software itself lets you know if the controllers are connected (and when they drop). There are some LOG files you can look at for the FCS. You can find them in the C:\Users\....\Documents\Samantha FCS\DebugLog directory.

Beware: Just confirmed that the RC Editor (in 'Telop' mode the 'download and run' ) will deploy a 'Computer Target' vi to the NXT !! The program will not work, of course. I have had vi's mysteriously reverting to Computer Targets (no action on my part). If it happens to you, and you are in the habit of deploying code from the RC Editor - you could get an NXT program that doesn't run at all. (You already mentioned needing to have short program names for 'Program Chooser' right?) (Also, your NXT is named as you team number?)

Can't wait to hear from you when it finally works! 

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16

Thanks to all for their help.  What appeared to be a dead end, ended up being a case of getting too close to the problem. 

We spent significant resource trying to track down an error with the controller not connecting.  All functionality was working, programs were connecting and all signs seemed to point to either the generated code not correctly specifying the controller or the FCS not recognizing the controller.  I am a bit embarrassed to say that in the end the error was . . . user error. ; )

After reviewing all of the comments and feedback, I went back to the drawing board and to the basics.  In reviewing the FCS materials yet again, I noticed that our FCS was not showing the controller on the dashboard as in the instruction materials thanks to a comment by jmarkesino that triggered further investigation.  Now, that must mean it is an FCS problem right?  Wrong!  The error ended up being that we were operating the FCS thinking everything was assigned correctly as we could see the robot on the game dashboard. Little did we recognize, that the controller was not being shown.  Truly a rookie team mistake!

Reading the manual a bit further confirmed that removing the FCS controller question mark and enabling the controller requires:

"The “?” indicates the system is waiting to know which controller will be associated with Red Team 1, Driver 1. Press any button on the appropriate control to configure."

Pushed the controller button and up pops a 1 on the game dashboard.

Such a simple solution that we couldn't see it from right in front of our own face.  I am pleased to say that we now know the error of our ways and now have a fully functioning setup.  Our appologies to any teams that we may have sent on a wild goose chase to uncover this error and to those who may have been thrown off track with apparently related problems.

While we look at this and laugh now, this journey taught us a lot about Labview basic programming, the transfer of files, operation of program chooser, debugging files and FCS to name a few.  We look forward to learning about advanced programming skills in Labview (and begin learning Creo) as we proceed down our rookie path.

FYI, We have named our practice field Edison Field with a motto of 'from Edison to Einstein'.  A big dream for a very young rookie team of 12 year olds.  But we have time to live and learn and share with the First community.  Thanks for all of your help and inspiration.  We hope to pay it forward many times over : )  We welcome others to follow our journey at


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16

Glad that you were able to figure it out. Good luck on the rest of the season.

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Message 16 of 16