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!! Arduino Uno + HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor + labview Help!!

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My friend

Where did you press stop, in red button (abort)?

The arduino don't like to be stopped like that, please press in the stop button in the program. Before run again, disconnect the usb cable and connect again.


0 Kudos
Message 31 of 72

Ya that Red button only.

So, Do I want to plug in & out at every time ?? I dont know what happen to that?? A week ago, its working fine and it worked continuously. But now i am getting the problem. There is some mistake but i dont know where it is ? I searched and failed. So Can you help me..?? If i press reset button in my ultrasonic sensor on second time, it working fine.?? So my problem is if i want to run continuously i need to press reset button every time..?? I need to run without pressing on everytime..??



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Message 32 of 72

What cpalha was saying is that you should avoid using the abort button (the red stop sign button) when stopping an Arduino program (shown below).  You should try to use the stop button created in the program (wired to the conditional terminal of your while loop).


If, for some reason, you do need to abort execution, you should be able to run the alone (just open it and run it) to clear the Serial port resource and get back to normal.

Message 33 of 72

I had the same problem

You need to create a "STOP BOTON" in a "while structure"  , don´t use a stop botton to have Labview because, this is only for emergency

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 72

Thanks to all/.....

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 72

Ya . Now sensor is working fine. i need to do further process with acquired data. In my output chart, the accuracy is not enough. so, for that fine accuracy. what should i do ? Which filter i need to prefer??

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 72


Put your example here.

I do no understand what you need, You need a part in your program to save data from your sensor?



0 Kudos
Message 37 of 72

No No.. The output chart gives the distance range with noise. I want the distance curve in a smooth manner (ie. without distortion or noise). if the distance is 4cm then output chart should shows accurate linear line as the value of 4 in Y axis.... My aim is to get smooth curve. for your reference i attached my obtained signal and i needed siganl..




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Message 38 of 72

Noise is inevitable when working with sensors and likely you won't be able to completely eliminate it.  If you are using a waveform chart then it will not be possible to remove noise from the display because it is updated point-by-point.  Generally, to filter noise, you need to have several measurements that you analyze/manipulate to create a single data point.

One really basic method you could use is to take x number of sensor readings and take the average.  That average will then be your data point.

If you want or need something more sophisticated then you can search for noise filtering techniques online because the ideas behind it are not specific to LabVIEW.  You can also search the various filtering/signal processing functions available from within LabVIEW.

Ultimately, the noise reduction method you choose will depend greatly on what you are using the signal for and the sources of the noise.

Message 39 of 72

Hello friends I am a student of electronic engineering and probe the file. vi and it works perfectly. But as I do to run eight HC-SR04 sensors simultaneously?.


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Message 40 of 72