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DHT22 showed fluctuating data when connected with LCD in block diagram (Unknown Problem)-Need Help.

Hi, I have this problem for fews days already and I unable to indentify what wrong with my circuit. When LCD (LCD2004 I2C) vi is connected with my DHT22 read vi in my block diagram, the LCD is working showing no. of loop but DHT22 showing fluctuating data as shown in picture below:


If I detached the LCD vi from the block diagram, the DHT22 working well as shown below:


and if I detach DHT22, LCD is working well showing the no. of loop.

Anyone know what cause the data of DHT22 sensor fluctuate when I connected with LCD vi?

I had attached my files in this post.

Thank you!

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Message 1 of 4

I think there might be a bug in the LCD functions (based on previous posts about LCD issues).  You should probably upgrade to LINX since LIFA won't be getting fixed.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

I have upgraded to linx but how can I use the DHT22 sensor with this?, How can I modify the firmware to include the DHT22 arduino library?, thanks

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Message 3 of 4

You will have better luck asking for LINX sensor support over in the LINX forum.

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Message 4 of 4