LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Hi all labview is new to me so Plesae Take it easy on me

my project involves winding a lot of coils and to wind 1 of these coils by hand  took me 3 hours

my Question is  with your help Please. The arduino example (Arduino Stepper Motor IV) can it be  altered to rotations and stop at xxx amount example 800 full rotations

if so  what will i need to change -add -alter would i need to change the arduino code sound easy but i have no idea what i need to change



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Message 1 of 7

i Take 46 view No Reply as A NO

Thanks Anyway


Message 2 of 7

The easiest way is to determine the number of steps the motor must take for N revolutions.using the formula

Number of steps = (Nuber of revolutions) * (steps per revolution) .   For many step motors there are 200 steps per revolution.   You need to take nto aacccount the actuL number of steps per revlution for the step motor you are using and any gearing between the step motor and your coil winder.  Once you know the numbne of steps you then program your stepper motor to take the required number of steps. 

I haven't checked to see how easy or hard it is to set the number of steps in the Labview Stepperr Motor Driver VI because you are impatient.  But will take a look sometime this evening.  In the meantime the above gives you smething to work on. 


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

impatience frustration No exuse i know and i apologise and thank you for taking a look Howard

i have tried altering the data entry for (# of steps to move)( Max and Minimum) but any number

above 32767  it defualt back i've searched the net the forum but i'm yet to come accross anything

that help for my situation and my lack of understanding for the software


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Message 4 of 7

Why dont you just break up the process into a few parts like 100 turn increments in a for loop or something.


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Message 5 of 7

It is not going to be easy to modify the "Number of Steps" control in the Arduino Stepper Motor VI to increase the maximum number of steps to a value greater than 32767.  At present the control uses a 16 bit signed integer.  A signed integer is used so you can specify either clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Then because it is a signed 16 bit integer the maximum value is 32767.   As far as I can tell the Arduino firmaware is only desined to handle two 8 bit bytes. More is required than changing the "Number of Steps" control to a 32 bit integer.

The easiest work around is to manually enter the data in 150 tutn chunks.  It doesn't sound like you are winding RF coils.

I sugget you submit a feature request asking for a much latrger limit on the number of steps.  This is especillly important as the Easy Driver includes micro stepping capability. 


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Message 6 of 7


If you are using an "Easy Driver" and it is wired like the schematic that comes with the Arduino Stepper Motor VI then it most likely uses !/8 micro stepping.  This means for a 200 step per revolution stepper it takes 1600 step pulses to turn the shaft one revolution.  I say most likely because with a Big Easy Driver when the MS1 and MS2 inputs are left unconnected the BigEasy Driver defaults to the 1/8 micro stepping mode.  As both drivers were designed by the same person I assume both drivers have similar default micro stepping modes. 

It definitely will be worth your time to do some testing to see if your setup is using micro stepping.


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Message 7 of 7