LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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How to use filter for analog input (virtual com port) from ECG module ?

I contacted Arduino using this config.

Sampling Rite is 1000 times a second. I want to filter the stomach ECG signal.
How can I use a high and a low pass filter?
Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

It seems you are only getting two bytes (one 16bit point) at a time, so just unflatten it to a 16 integer scalar and apply the scaling. No need for all that convoluted processing.

You are only graphing one point per iteration, so one of the ptbypt filters might work for you. What have you tried? How does the unfiltered data typically look like? What are the frequencies of the interesting signal? Is 1000/s really necessary? What determines the loop rate?

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Thank you very much.
ADC resolution is ten-bit. And should be sent with two bytes. The range of changes is 0-1023. The operation of converting the amount of ADC to voltage is done in LabVIEW.


To increase the accuracy of the measurement, every 1 ms, the data is sent, and the repeat loop must be done at the time of receiving the data.
There is a lot of noise in the received data, such as the 220V power.


The noise is in the ADC section of Arduino, and I want to remove noise by using LabVIEW filters.

Values ​​measured in LabVIEW are discrete. How can I use filters to remove noise? Like for AC power noise(a 50 Hz low pass filter is required)?

For a gastric signal, a high-pass filter of 0.016 Hz and a low-pass filter of 0.25 Hz are required.
For heart ECG , 50 Hz low pass is required.


In order to use the filter,how can I determine in the program that values measured at a interval of 1 milliseconds(Because of discrete values). It is required that the LabVIEW program recognizes the interval time of measurement values.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
  • Your conversion from 2byte string is still overly complicated. (see image for an alternative)
  • A picture of a monitor is useless. Can you attach a data file containing a representative array?



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Thanks for help.


I have no trouble getting data from Arduino. The problem is how to use the filter. Previous configuration works correctly.


I saved the Waveform Chart input in Excel format.



1000 sps.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

What''s the datatype of the blue "0" diagram constant wired to the top of unflatten.

Make sure it is a two-byte numeric or it won't work (right-click...representation...U16 or I16).


(I have a look at the data later.)


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Message 6 of 6