LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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How to use the serial communication instead of the USB ?

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Hi everyone !

I'm using the LIFO with an arduino uno connected with an USB cable, and it works properly, but I tryed to use the serial communication (Rx and Tx pin) instead of the USB cable, and it's not working anymore.

After some seconds I received the error code 5002, unable to establish the communication with arduino, in

Maybe there are some parameters to change, but I see "serial/USB" as the same choice of communication...

My electrical connexion seems to be working, I tested it with a simple arduino program (serial.println and

It also looks that I only can transfer an arduino program with USB connexion, and not with my serial connexion.

Best regards

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Message 1 of 4

LIFA is written to use the USB cable which goes through a USB-to-TTL Serial chip on the Arduino.  As far as I know, if you bypass this chip, it will no longer show up as a COM port in your computer which is required for LIFA to work.

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Message 2 of 4

Hum... That's a problem...

There is a distance of 40 meters between my computer and the arduino. As you know the maximum distance for the USB protocol is 5 meters, and 4 repeters = 20m...

Is you see any solution, I woudl be grateful

Best regards

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author Silfali

oh my god I found the solution !

It's absolutly stupid : just reset the arduino between starting LIFO and receiving the error.

I don't knew why but it's working...

Thanks Nathan_B for your time, and see you everybody

Best regards

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Message 4 of 4