LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Is this correct?

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I tested the APin In, still doesn't work: flip between 66V and 2V(or other values.) It looks like the Analog System doesn't work when Digital Pin is working. It is ridiculous

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Message 21 of 28

That is strange.  There is no reason why they both can't work.  What board are you using?  I've used the Arduino Mega 2560 for my project and I've never had issues.

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Message 22 of 28

I am using Arduino UNO.

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Message 23 of 28

this is whole scheme, Any wrong with that?

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Message 24 of 28

Hi, Nathan,

Since UNO has only 10 bit ADC, so I guess, I could not measure the most precise output voltage using Analog Pin.

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Message 25 of 28

You need to ensure that your UNO ADC reference voltage is selected so that you can maximise the ADCs' resolution.

The UNO has 3 possible sources for VREF see here. Depending on which one you use, this will determine the maximum input voltage to your analogue pin.

You are however limited to the maximum operational voltage of the Atmega328, i.e. 5VDC. Therefore if your measured voltage can go higher than this limitation, you will need to use a potential divider, but be aware that the input impedance to the ADC should also be considered...

"Impedance Matching & Power Consumption

While often overlooked, the most common source of ADC inaccuracy is from an impedance mismatch.  Sim...

Best of luck with this now.



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Message 26 of 28

Hi, Dale,

Could you look at the VI scheme I just posted? I can get an ouput voltage. But when I want to read that through Ananlog Input Pin. It doesn't work

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Message 27 of 28

Other than being really messy, your code looks fine.

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Message 28 of 28