LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Discussions

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Modify LabVIEW Arduino Base Code


   I have an Arduino MEGA that I am using with my LabVIEW program that controls some rotating mass disk motors. What I noticed is that, when the LabVIEW program initializes for the first time, and I have any motors plugged into my arduino MEGA, that it receives 100% voltage and turns on. Is there anyway I can modify the LabVIEW LVIFA_Base code so that the ports don't receive any voltage signal on startup, and instead wait until the LabVIEW program finally initializes?

   After about 12 seconds, the LabVIEW program finally starts running my code to my Arduino where I have defaulted all the motors to turn off and stay in the 0 volts step PWM Digital Pins.

I have uploaded my program for reference.

Any help would be appreciated!

*A side question:

For the serial COM connection, is there anyway I can setup a RESET or logic that will default the timer and values back so that I can wait to hear from the DSR again? In the current scenario, when a user pushes my PUSH button serial COM device, that loop stops for the remainder of the program life, forcing me to restart the whole program again. I want it so that when the user pushes the button it will STOP the timer, but have an override switching the DTS/RTS values back and waiting to hear from the user again. Is this possible?

Much thanks!

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Regarding the digital pin values upon startup, I have seen at least one other person ask about this.  I can't exactly remember their solution or if it was even possible.  If you can find that thread, it might be helpful.

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