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Did I really just do what I think I did?

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Please tell me that I really didn't do what I think I just did.


Run the attached .vi and please, someone, anyone, show me a way to avoid having to re-write everything I've done. I was trying to get everything ready to compile and needed a way to close the .vi after it was stopped so I added a sequence structure to it and put the bulk of the .vi in the first frame and in the second one put a property node that closes the front panel.


However, it runs when opens and I have it set to not show the abort button and not show the menus. Hence, your only option is to hit stop, stop the first frame of the sequence, and then close the front panel.


Please tell me there's a way to fix this.



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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author iyeager

Nevermind, I'm sure you all figured out a way around it before I did.


Without the subVI that I call in it to do some air flow calculations it stalls on run. I just moved the subVI, fixed the mistake when it stalled and all is good in my world.


Working on Saturdays sucks, working on Saturdays and realizing it may have been all for not, that really sucks.



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Message 2 of 4



Glad you got it fixed.  Breaking a subVI is one of a few ways to deal with that issue.


Two additional ways ways of editing VIs set to run when opened: 1. Place the VI as a subVI to a new main VI.  Then open it from the diagram of the new VI.

2. If the VI is in a project, open it directly from the project.


I summarized these methods here for your benefit and for anyone who finds your post later while searching for the solutions to that problem.



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Message 3 of 4

Another option is an abort vi. Such a VI is able to abort other running  VIs.

A good example is available from LAVA.. Saved me a couple of times.



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