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HTML, VI Front panel in brouwser

I am totally dumb, i just forgot the fact I used the very developer PC to access this remote front panel 🙂  Of course i did not test the remote fp website with other platform yet, otherwise I would have already realised this limitation...

Hmm, PCs are cheap. I imagine the easiest and ugly solution is just to have a client/server PC running on the same network as the RT PXI. This PC could act as a bridge between any platform (android, linux, win without LV RTE, etc) with a browser and the PXI. However i am not sure what kind of protocol/technique would be useful to make possible to interact with the browser on this bridge PC from any other platform independent browser? Or just a simple remote desktop for windows? But then a simple web browser is not enough. Does a platform independent solution exist to interact with a website using the browser of this bridge PC i wonder...?

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

This example has no other use (yet) then to explore the possibilities...


Dutch saying: Niet omdat het moet, maar omdat het kan !

Translated to Englisch: Not because you must do, but because it is possible !


In general, I think (my opinion) that this browser frontpanel functionality should be in place ~3 years ago by NI. This functionality without installing anything on the client side, especialy not "Mircrosoft Silverlight"....

It needs to be a selectable option with a few parameters.

If you programm a headless RT system with internet access, this option saves programming an (extra) userinterface and you can monitor the device remotely with a browser (and more) all over the world...

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

well, NI plans this feature in a future version at least...

Message 13 of 18

@Blokk wrote:

well, NI plans this feature in a future version at least...

Agreed.  I mean its been on NI's radar for a while now, and they might have been prompted by the fact that so many 3rd and 1st party tools exist to try to do something like this.  Of course NI's future plans seem to do something slightly different, where the LabVIEW runtime is ported to JAVA script, allowing for the VI to be ran in the browser. (teased at NI Week)  I'm guessing you would then have some kind of network communication to a server publishing and consuming data.


As for Silverlight.  Well NI can't predict the future, and when they saw a web technology being backed my Microsoft, they thought it might be the platform to use.  HTML5 wasn't really a thing in 2007, and wouldn't be for at least another 7 years.  Of course technology moves quickly and HTML5 is now supported on essentially all major browsers and devices.  And with Silverlight being deprecated more and more I would hope NI is looking at porting their existing tools that rely on Silverlight to HTML5.

Message 14 of 18

Hi, I tried to run the VI's but there's a missing .ctl file "TCP Multiple Connections State.ctl". I'm very interested in this application and how to view and control my front panel from HTML web browser. I'm using LV2017.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18

@Norarmu37 wrote:

Hi, I tried to run the VI's but there's a missing .ctl file "TCP Multiple Connections State.ctl". I'm very interested in this application and how to view and control my front panel from HTML web browser. I'm using LV2017.


I would highly recommend that you investigate NXG's web module. It provides much more functionality and you will get much better results.

Mark Yedinak
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"Does anyone know where the love of God goes when the waves turn the minutes to hours?"
Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18

This was a control in the examples of LV2015...

NI changed this in LV2017

Added a copy for your convenience,

Regards. John

Message 17 of 18

The "TCP Multiple Connections State.ctl" can be found in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2017\examples\Data Communication\Protocols\TCP\TCP Multiple Connections\controls

Message 18 of 18