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Linx with Arduino - analogRead results only show up when error cluster wire is connected to STOP button of loop

Hi all. I notice that the MakerHub LINX forum at the other site isn't very active --- with the last post currently dating back to 2-July-2018. So I thought I'd post here to see if someone could help me.


I'm using Labview with Linx with Arduino MEGA 2560, and managed to run an example VI (thanks to 'samkristoff') that demonstrates an "analogread" function (ie. a simple analog to digital conversion), which displays results of the A/D conversion on the front panel.


However, I notice that the indicator display only works (ie. shows values....numbers) when the error cluster wire is connected to the STOP button of the 'while' loop. I notice that if I remove (disconnect) the error cluster wire from the STOP button, this would then lead to blank display (no numbers popping up while the VI is running).


Until yesterday, I didn't even know that it was possible to connect 'error cluster' wires to STOP buttons of 'while' loops. So I have been a bit out of touch. The nice thing is that the example VI file does work. But I'm just trying to understand the reason for blank display (blank indicator on the front panel when the VI is running) for cases where the error cluster wire is not connected to the STOP button.


The first attached VI named 'LINX - Analog Read 1 Channel' is the original one (which works properly).

The other one ('untitled 4') is the one with the error cluster wire not connected to the stop button, which results in blank display (when running).


If anyone uses Linx with Arduino, then could you please let me know if it is actually necessary to have the error cluster wire connected to the STOP button in order to make things work properly?


Thanks very much in advance!


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LabVIEW forums do not support Arduino, however we have specialized forums that work more closely with Arduino.  Try to post your question here:




and you could look for documentation here:




Kind regards,




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Message 2 of 5

Did you select the right serial port?



(from SouthPark_PA)

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 3 of 5

Thanks very much for your time and help Mario. Genuinely appreciated! I'll use those links that you kindly provided. I'm just on my other account right now.Thanks again!

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Message 4 of 5

Hi Ben! I used the right serial port, as the example file works just fine. But once the STOP button is disconnected from the error cluster bus ...... the result is blank indicator when the VI is running. The VI would just keep running, but no values show up on the indicator display. But once I re-wire the error cluster wire to the stop button..... the indicator display starts showing values again.



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