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NIMax 20.5 Add Network Device dropdown is not function in Windows 7

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The dropdown is not operable to add a network device.  Clicking on it has no affect.  Is there a version of NIMax where this is not an issue with Windows 7?

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author dkocsis

Hello there, 

1. This list has the information bout NI-DAQmx and Microsoft Windows Compatibility, and apparently Windows 7 needs version below 15.5.1. I couldn't find a way to downgrade your NI MAX, so you might have to uninstall and reinstall your drivers. 

2. You can try checking out  NI Driver Download and select a Windows7 compatible driver to download it.

3. More information about NI MAX can be found here NI Measurement & Automation(MAX) Download.

Hope this helps

Fiona, NI

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Message 2 of 3

Hello there, 

1. This list has the information bout NI-DAQmx and Microsoft Windows Compatibility, and apparently Windows 7 needs version below 15.5.1. I couldn't find a way to downgrade your NI MAX, so you might have to uninstall and reinstall your drivers. 

2. You can try checking out  NI Driver Download and select a Windows7 compatible driver to download it.

3. More information about NI MAX can be found here NI Measurement & Automation(MAX) Download.

Hope this helps

Fiona, NI

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Message 3 of 3