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Regarding changing the position of filter in overlap add

Hello, I have overlap add filter. I am asked to change the position of the filter with the output . Move filter either side, its like tuning the output using the filter. I have no idea on how to start this initially. Please help me in this.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8



Overlap-Add method in filtering is more of a mathematical concept than a LabVIEW how-to. To cover all of our bases, here is a quick reference on Overlap-add here.


It also looks like we have an example of how to do this on our community here.


Logan H

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8



First of all, I thank you for the reply

I am uploading a file. Please have look at it. 


Lets say, I have a filter. 1's represent the portion of filter and 0's represent LOW of filter. Now, I want to move the filter as shown with arrows in diagram. I know the concept. Its by shifting 1's and 0's either side to move the filter. But, I am confused about how to do it.


Please help me with this.

Message 3 of 8



Double check the file you posted, I don't see much in the way LabVIEW code or filter diagrams.


Logan H

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Message 4 of 8

Hello Sir,


I am sorry for uploading wrong file. I did not see this till today. I am uploading it. Please go through it. 

I have a filter. 1's represent the portion of filter and 0's represent LOW of filter. Now, I want to move the filter as shown with arrows in diagram. I know the concept. Its by shifting 1's and 0's either side to move the filter. But, I am confused about how to do it.


Please help me with this.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8



From your diagram, it basically you want to perform a Bandpass filter on a signal. Have you looked through the Signal Processing palettes to see if a Bandpass Filter VI exists? By searching I was able to find this set of example code that allows you to change the filter settings on the fly through the Digital IIR Filter VI.


Logan H

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8



When i wanted to change the width of signal, I am not able to do it. Waht specifications do we need to change to increase or decrease the width. And, How do I perform this bandpass filter VI on a signal. 

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

The points at which the frequencies are attenuated are called the cutoff frequencies. In the case of a bandpass filter, there is an upper and a lower cutoff frequency. In this VI, they are defined by the Upper Fc and Lower Fc controls. Examine the block diagram of the example VI listed a few posts above. Check it out in highlight execution mode to see how the data is passed. Give it a shot yourself with playing with the controls to see how things change.




Logan H

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8