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Select Excel Drop Down Item From LabVIEW

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 Hi All,


I need to open an excel workbook and send data to a particular spreadsheet from LabVIEW

In itself this is straight forward, BUT the spreadsheet also has some combo boxes for which i need to autmate a selection on.

is there anyway to do this? The spreadsheet vb code is password protected so I can't create any extra macros within that to do it, I need to do it all from the Labview


Just cant seem to find a way to reference the dropdown boxes, any help woul dbe most appreciated






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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author MWarlow

According to the Excel 2010 Developer Reference if you set the value of the linked cell the combo box will take on that value so if you know what value you want to set and what cells are linked you just need to set that cell to the correct value.


If that won't work for you all controls are Shape objects so you can use the Shapes collection of the Worksheet to find and manipulate them.

Kelly Bersch
Certified LabVIEW Developer
Kudos are always welcome
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks, unfortunately changing the value does change the drop down but does not trigger the associated macro that runs in the vb code, it seems only changing the drop down does that.

I've managed to do it via the shape objects though so thanks for the heads up




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