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Troubleshooting GPIB device that won't respond to any commands, iber = EABO error

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Hello, one of GPIB devices won't accept any messages.

I'm using GPIB-USB-HS and was able to a different device with it with no issues. For device in question it gets recognized by NI MAX with correct port number, when I open VISA Interactive Control, it gets put into remote listen mode. When I open it in Labview, I load code shown (same code I used to program other device). VISA O command in the code also puts device in remote mode. However, I can't write anything to it and I won't even give errors, either in Labview or on device itself, from panel just stays as "remote listen", no matter what command it attempt to write to it. I tried different cables, even put two GPIB devices in series, one would work, other won't.


When I go and try to interact with device in GPIB menu, I get this error: iberr = EABO. This means absolutely nothing to me, what next steps should I attempt in troubleshooting? Device is in good condition and was calibrated recently.  


Screenshot 2023-04-25 171954.png

Screenshot 2023-04-25 171816.png



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What is the device in question?


I take it you have installed NI-VISA and NI-488.2?


I noticed you don't have a VISA Close in your test program. Sometimes not closing VISA sessions prevent other programs even NI-MAX from accessing the instrument.


If you expand the tree in NI-MAX under the NI USB-GPIB-HS and "search for instruments" does NI-MAX find and properly identify the instrument?


Interesting I notice your USB-GPIB-HS is GPIB3, the GPIB interface is most commonly GPIB0. Maybe your instrument needs it to be 0 not 3?

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Accepted by topic author John32d

Yes, I have both VISA and 488.2 installed. The instrument is identified correctly and it's a spectrum analyzer. I added VISA close in the code, it didn't do anything. I've changed GPIB0 to GPIB3 myself to test if it did anything to solve this problem but it had no effect. 

EDIT: ok, I tried a different instrument of the same model and it worked first time, so there's an issue with the instrument. 

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