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auto scale property node

Good day
I wonder if you can call the auto-scale property via a property node.
What I would like to do with it is to auto-scale the Y axis of a XYgraph at a certain time and then keep that scale.

thank you
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Message 1 of 6

Right click on XY graph icon in your block diagram and select  Create>Property Node>X Scale>Scale Fit for X Scale.  Y Scale would be Create>Property Node>Y Scale>Scale Fit

If you turn on the Context Help before creating the property node, the help window will display information for each property.  You will notice that if you write a '1' to this property, it will autoscale just once.  Probably the function you are looking for.

Message 2 of 6
Create a property node (right-click front panel object), select YScale...Scale Fit and set to 0 = Do not autoscale, 1 - Autoscale once now, or 2 - Autoscale.
Message 3 of 6
thank you. that was exactly what i was looking for!
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Message 4 of 6

This is one of the biggest problems with labview is consistency in labeling. Why would you call it auto scale in one part of the code but call it scale fit in the next. Why not just call it auto scale? keep it an integer but it will be easier to find.

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Message 5 of 6

While we're on the subject of consistency, how about text.colors vs text.text colors?  Not very helpful.  (They are actually different.  One refers to the color of the text itself, both the fore and background colors (think text color and highlighting), while the other refers to the fore and background of the text box.)  How about naming the text box colors property something like... text box colors???

(Mid-Level minion.)
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Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 6 of 6