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vi server, multiple exe instances - example?

I have created a VI and made an exe.
I would like to run 10 instances of this exe.
I have tried opening another instance while one is allready running, but labview/windows does not seem to allow it....  😞
Reading the forum, it seems like I need to use VI server to do this?
Has anyone got an example on how I can go about to enable multiple instances of my exe (or vi)
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Message 1 of 3

If your file is called Foo.exe, open Foo.ini and add the line allowmultipleinstances=true in the [Foo] section (create it if it does not exist). Then, each call to the exe should launch a new instance.

Note that you should be careful about using common resources between instances (e.g. files).

Try to take over the world!
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3
Wow, thanks, it works like a bomb!
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3