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Hello to all!

Thanks Ianidas300 for your tip.

I need some assistance in two problems (one more time, sorry):


---> 1. My centos 6.5 virtualbox machine: I've installed Lalbview Development 2012 and runtime 2009. But I can't install "vi package manager". Gives the following error:

[root@localhost Downloads]# ./vipm-2011.0.1-linux

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(2332): CPUID(2) returned unrecognized cacheID of 76.

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(2323): Abandoning cache enumeration from CPUID(2). Using CPUID(4) instead.

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(1013): Intel: CPUID(4) cache results did not all merge with CPUID(2).

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(1105): Inconsistent L2 cache information. Searched for:

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(1108): level: 2, role: 2; type: 0, entryType: 2, entrySize: 64, size: 262144, associativity: 8

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(1110): Raw data was:  eax: 00000000, ebx: 00000000, ecx: 01006040, edx: 00000000

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(1111): L2 cache data from CPUID(2), CPUID(4) and CPUID(0x80000006) report a mismatch.

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(976): CPUID(4) provided cache that CPUID(2) did not. Intel cache parse may need an update.

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(985): CPUID(4) provided cache that CPUID(2) did not. Intel cache parse may need an update.

./source/lib/IntelDataCollector.cpp(976): CPUID(4) provided cache that CPUID(2) did not. Intel cache parse may need an update.

LabVIEW caught fatal signal

9.0 - Received SIGSEGV

Reason: invalid permissions for mapped object

Attempt to reference address: 0x0x9379dcf

Segmentation fault (core dumped)


---> A new machine with a fresh installation gives the error when I try to install labview 2012:

cpio: Digest mismatch

Does anyone knows a solution?

Thanks and sorry for all my questions!


Software developer

0 Kudos
Message 31 of 49

Hello Jorge,

I did a little research and I was able to find some references to this type of problem when installing the VI Package Manager.

-How much RAM are you allocating for the virtual machine? It isn't suggested to use more than 4GB of RAM (I would probably suggest 2 gigs to be safe)

-Also, make sure your permissions are set correctly when installing VI Package Manager. There is some documentation with JKI, the company that builds VIPM, at the following location:

If that doesn't work, I would consider trying to install the other drivers that you are using, ie VISA, and then come back to that. I personally don't have a background for supporting VI Package Manager so if we can get the rest working we can come back to the VIPM issue later.

Ian M.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 32 of 49

Good morning,

Well I think that is not it because: my VM has only 1.8GB of RAM and I tried giving permissions to /tmp.

I already got Labview 2012 and visaRuntime 5.3 installed.

I added to the file "boot/grub/grub.conf" the memory limitation "memmap=4096M$0x100000000". CAn this be a problem?



Software developer

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 49

cpuid thing is LV known problem. Look at this :

Don't muck around with mem= or memmap= .. you only need that if nipalk on 32bit machine doesn't load due to more than 4G addressable memory found. dmesg shows that info.

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 49

ok. Thanks for both of your help.

I got another problem... And I apreciate your help.

When I try to install Labview 2012 I got the following error:

uto-selecting dependency nigmpi-12.0.0-f5

yAuto-selecting dependency niwebpipeline20_dep-2.0-5.i586.rpm

The following components will be installed using rpm:

LabVIEW Run-Time Engine                             110619 kB

LabVIEW Application and VI Library                  732356 kB

LabVIEW VI Examples                                 30265 kB

LabVIEW On-line Reference Manual                    84294 kB

LabVIEW Manuals in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format      2605 kB

LabVIEW KDE and GNOME desktop support               319 kB

NI TDMS library                                     870 kB

NI Curl 12.0                                        471 kB

NI SSL 12.0                                         2078 kB

LabVIEW Run-Time Application Builder                68081 kB

LabVIEW Professional Developers Tools               5507 kB

NI GMP Linux Installer 12.0                         529 kB

NI Web Pipeline dependency libraries                5432 kB

Total space required: 1043426 kB

Space available:      45660264 kB

Proceed? [Ynq] Installing...

yPreparing...                ########################################### [100%]

   1:labview-2012-rte       ########################################### [100%]

error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/local/lib/LabVIEW-2012/English/lvapp.rsc;52f4dcc2: cpio: Digest mismatch

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]

   1:nitdmsi                ########################################### [100%]

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]

   1:nicurli                ########################################### [100%]

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]

   1:nissli                 ########################################### [100%]

error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/local/natinst/share/nissl/;52f4dcc8: cpio: Digest mismatch

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]

   1:nigmpi                 ########################################### [100%]

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]

   1:niwebpipeline20_dep    ########################################### [100%]

error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/local/natinst/pipeline/lib/;52f4dccb: cpio: Digest mismatch

error: Failed dependencies:

          labview-2012-rte is needed by labview-2012-core-12.0.0-1.i386

*** ERROR installing packages.

Check that you have enough disk space and that the target filesystem

is writable.

This is a fresh installation.

Any ideas?

Software developer

0 Kudos
Message 35 of 49

Let me add some update to the last one... I installed on my virtual machine centos 6.5 and Suse 12.2 without errors. I think that I had some problem in the installer. Because I downloaded Visa and "vi package manager" and everything when well.

But the in the real machine:

1. NI Visa 5.3: ok

2. Labview 2012: gives the same error: cpio: Digest mismatch

Is this a known error?



Software developer

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 49

Hello Jorge,

For the real machine you are also installing centos 6.5 and openSUSE 12.2?

Ian M.
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 37 of 49

Good morning Ianindas300,

I only made that instalation on my laptop with two virtual machines.

On the real machine I only have Centos installed.



Software developer

0 Kudos
Message 38 of 49

Hello Jorge,

Thanks for your information,

CentOS 6.5 + VISA 5.3 is OK for you?

Brice S.
National Instruments France

0 Kudos
Message 39 of 49

Good morning Brice,

Are you asking if the installation went well for those two (centos and visa)? The answer is yes.



Software developer

0 Kudos
Message 40 of 49