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Question on distributing a remastered Ubuntu Lucid w/ NI-VISA

I've created a customized Ubuntu iso using remastersys which has NI-VISA installed and is pretty much all set to go as far as running any Labview executable is concerned. Considering that Ubuntu is freely distributable, my question is that are the NI stuff (NI-KAL and NI-VISA) are distributable as kernel modules, executables in this customized distro? I use this custom ISO for our target platforms and wouldn't mind sharing it freely for the benefit of the larger Linux community here.


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Message 1 of 5

Anshul, that's a really good suggestion! BTW there is an interactive way to build appliances using openSUSE and distribute them in many different formats - see As an extension to this suggestion, it may be useful to distribute an OS with installed and cofigured NI run-times as a VMware machine compatible with the free VM Player - naturally, assuming that it does not conflict with NI licensing policies.


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Message 2 of 5

Anybody remember Kororaa?



Use NI products on Linux? Come join the NI Linux Users Community
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Message 3 of 5

Never heard about it before, but the Wikipedia page sums up things pretty nicely. Sigh. Talking about immovable objects and irresistible forces...


Andreas K. Hüttel

Gentoo Linux developer - sci, kde, tex

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Message 4 of 5

Redistributing NI drivers compiled against the kernel is against the NI EULA.  It is required that the end user do the actual compiling, and our scripts exist to assist in that step.

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Message 5 of 5