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Trying to install C API and 8.0.1 driver under Ubuntu 10.04

HI all!

I'm extremely interested in getting the 8.0.1 drivers and C API working under Ubuntu 10.04.

I tried to install them by following the instructions found here:

I then converted all of the RPMs found on the 8.0.1 driver install CD into DEBS, here is a list of the RPMS with a brief descriptor:

ni653x_1.1.1-f0_i386.deb            - 6533 6534 Support
nicdigi_1.5.1-f0_i386.deb           - NI-CDIG Kernel Module
nidaqmxcapiexmp_1.6.1-f0_i386.deb   - C API Example Files
nidaqmxcapihelp_1.6.1-f0_i386.deb   - C API Help Documentation Files
nidaqmxcapii_1.6.1-f0_i386.deb      - C API Header Files
nidaqmxcfgi_1.4.0-f0_i386.deb       - DAQmx Configuration Installer
nidaqmxef_1.4.1-f3_i386.deb         - DAQmx Expert Framwork (required for NI DAQmx Drivers)
nidaqmxhelp_1.0.1-f0_i386.deb       - DAQmx Linux Documentation
nidaqmxinfi_8.0.1-f0_i386.deb       - DAQmx Information files (required for NI DAQmx Drivers)
nidaqmxswitch_1.6.1-f0_i386.deb     - DAQmx switch core stack
nidimi_1.9.0-f0_i386.deb            - Device Interconect Manager
nidsai_1.5.1-f0_i386.deb            - NI-DSA driver for DAQmx
nikali_1.9.0-f0_all.deb             - NI-KAL, Kernel Abstraction Layer
nimdbgi_1.3.1-f0_i386.deb           - NI mx Debug Library
nimioi_1.7.2-f0_i386.deb            - DAQmx Multifunction DAQ Driver stack (probably required)
nimru2i_2.4.1-f0_i386.deb           - NI mx Routing utuiltiy
nimxdfi_1.4.1-f1_i386.deb           - NI mx Driver Framework
nimxpi_1.4.1-f0_i386.deb            - NI-MXP is the Measurements eXtensions for PAL
nimxs_4.0.1-3006_i386.deb           - NI Measurement & Automation Explorer
niorbi_1.9.0-f0_i386.deb            - NI Object Request Broker
nipali_2.3.0-f1_i386.deb            - NI-PAL User Library (provides Core Driver Services)
nipalki_2.3.0-f1_i386.deb           - NI-PAL Kernel Module (provides Core Driver Services)

After trying to find out information about each deb file, I then Installed:


I can run updateNIDrivers without any apparent errors. However when I try to run: nilsdev I get the following error: failed to initialize

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Message 1 of 3

Ok maybe my question was too general so I'll try to rephrase it:

is  related to labview or to the c api?

Does a typical labview install include the C api? If not should I try to get labview working first and then install the c api? Or just I just try to install the C API?

I'm really feeling overwhelmed with all this.

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Message 2 of 3

libnipalu is lower than both the LV and C API. Before getting to those questions, we need to get the driver stack on its feet.

What does dmesg say in regards to nipal, nikal, and other NI-related devices/modules? What about running (and posting) niSystemReport?

Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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Principal Software Engineer :: Configuration Based Software
Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group (until May 2018)
Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)
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