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Using Source Code Management tools from LabVIEW for Linux?

A fast Google search led me to this article about using the built in source code function in LabVIEW for Linux.

Down towards the bottom it says that if you are using Linux or Mac then Perforce is your only option.

The article is dated Sep 11, 2011. I was wondering if there was any change, or any interest in adding other SCMs for the Linux side.

Is the LabVIEW for Linux SCM interface documented anywhere? Could we develop our own bridges to whatever SCM we want?

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Message 1 of 5

The source code management interface is in fact a LabVIEW plugin interface. As such it is possible but not trivial to develop new plugins for this. I'm not aware of an official documentation to the SCM plugin API but Ton Plomp has posted a Mercurial SCM Provider on LavaG. You can find the link here.

Most likely this was done for Windows and there could be small issues that need to be resolved to adapt it to the Linix hg toolchain, but the hard work of figuring out the SCM Provider interface is already done.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 5

I think the info is up to date. On Windows we get away with supporting a lot of scc providers by implementing the Microsoft source code control interface, as explained here.  Linux doesn't have anything similar.

The toolkits that work from the community use menu hooks in LV and don't integrate with the same internal scm framework the tutorial is talking about. For the most part I think people don't use the internal framework-even on Windows. It is just as effective to check things in externally.

Jesse Dennis
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I haven't really tested it as I haven't Mercurial repositories so far, but I was under the strong impression, that the Mercurial Provider in the previously mentioned link on LavaG is actually a true LabVIEW SCC provider, and therefore integrates into the project manager directly.

But I agree that such integration is not really essential, as I'm using TortoiseSVN even under Windows when doing SCC on LabVIEW projects.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

I think you are right. Here is the original discussion for the mecurial client, it looks like you were in on it.

You definitely could port to linux then.

Jesse Dennis
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5