Multisim and Ultiboard

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Is there any corporate database available for Multisim12?

I'm trying Multisim12. Master database has a lot of components but I wonder there many simple and common ICs are missing while I have noticed that many of these components are readily available in Proteus etc.  I'm especially talking about CMOS 4000 Chips which are the building blocks of a medium level designs. Example includes CD40110, CD4063 etc. and a lot more. I don't meant to prove Multisim useless but just have to ask that:

1. Is there any corporate database available that can be downloaded? or,

2. Can I import Proteus components in to the Multisim?

Please help me.   Thanks and regards.

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No we do not have a corporate database. The one you get has all the components available in Multisim (depends on the edition of course). CD40110 is a a simple decade counter right? You should find that under peripherals and indicators. The CD4063 is a comparator. You can find a 4 bit magnitude comparator in the CMOS section. These are the modls for simulation, if you want to create your own package and symbol you can (so you could potentially add CD40110 package to your schematic for routing purposes if you transfer your design to a layout tool). You could also create a component called CD4063 using the SPICE model from the CMOS comparator sections. I don't know what models Proteus uses, but if they are SPICE or PSPICE it should work.


Kind regards,

Miguel V
National Instruments
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