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What opkg repository to use for cRIO-9068?

Have been seaching the forums and Internet.  Please redirect to appropriate forum or direct me to reference if exists.  What is the best opkg repository to point my cRIO-9068 to?  Specifically I am wanting to install Python on the cRIO but will want to examine other core and supplemental packages and compliers available.  The default repositories in /etc/opkg/*.conf point to an angstrom repository that returns 404 not found with a wget when doing: opkg update (see below).   Note: repository site in config file is pingable so network connectivity is confirmed.  However does not respond to telnet port 80 which imples maybe web site down?  Any suggestions or pointers to reference appreciated.  Thanks,  opkg Config Files: angstrom-base-feed.conf -  src/gz angstrom-base   angstrom-python-feed.conf - #src/gz angstrom-python   Results of an opkg update:  admin@NI-cRIO-9068-01a6fb7b:/etc/opkg# opkg update  Downloading  wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found  Collected errors:   * opkg_download: Failed to download, wget returned 1.  admin@NI-cRIO-9068-01a6fb7b:/etc/opkg#   Thanks,

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Message 1 of 10

It sounds like you might be using the 2013 release. Can you update to 2014 or 2015? We migrated to an NI-hosted repository at after 2013.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Thanks Scot,   1. The version I am using on cRIO9068 is that downloaded from and to support the NI InsightCM Systems Manager 
2. uname -a reveals:       Linux NI-cRIO-9068-01a6fb7b 3.2.35-rt52-1.0.0f1 #1 SMP PREEMPT RT Wed Nov 13 16:14:25 CST 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux
3. I did have some success getting python down from here:             src/gz angstrom-python 
4. But still can't find the following library:       python: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 
Request: Anybody had sucessess loading Python 2.7 onto the cRIO-9068 and can share tips or pointers?          I don't mind doing the legwork, just need a litte pointer in the right direction to get started.      Been scouring the NI forums, Google, and Internet in general...

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Message 3 of 10

Though a parallel forum on building NI software from scratch, I was informed that python 2.7 installs easily with opkg install python with NI version 2013 and 2014. 

As mentioned, I am at the version that was delivered with NI InsightCM.  So I am seeking to clarify - am I stuck at a certain NI cRIO-9068 release because of InsightCM? 

That is, can I update to 2014 or 2015 and thus install python *with ease* without affecting NI InsightCM?

Can someone working with InsightCM advise on the following questions:

1.In the context of this tread and inquiry, what version is my cRIO because of the InSightCM?

2. Can I update my cRIO to 2014 or 2015 without breaking InsightCM in order to more easily and correctly install needed ad-on software including but not limited to Python 2.7?

Thanks for any direction.

==== This is from the parallel thread that suggested asking this question here =====

Sep 14, 2015 10:29 AM (in response to bsmith201)   Re: Building software for NI Linux RT

"Seems like you're on the right track. The 2013 feeds were not hosted by NI and have changed since that release,  but it's likely you can get something working on the path you're on.  With 2014 or 2015, "opkg update; opkg install python" works out of the box, and installs Python 2.7.x.  It would be handy if the InsightCM team has a way to let you update to a later version of the software.  Either way, since this should not require you to build anything yourself (which was the topic of this thread)  I'll post any followups in the other thread."

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Message 4 of 10

The thread you quoted is actually in the same forum as this one. Please keep questions along this line about opkg repo version in this thread to keep the two topics separate.

As far as your request for advice about InsightCM, I don't know the answer myself, but I have multiple messages out to internal experts who should be able to help. Please be patient.

Edit: I figured out a way to branch the thread into a new discussion on the exact topic you need, see -- I will direct answers about InsightCM's repo version there.

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Message 5 of 10

Hi Beck,

I talked with Scot about what piece of software would have to be updated on the 9068. Typically doing the upgrade means updating the LabVIEW version on the target. The InsightCM application is built for LabVIEW 2013, and upgrading the one specific piece of software so you can do "opkg update; opkg install python" out of the box without updating LabVIEW version would be pretty messy (and I'm not sure of the results). So to answer your question, I'd say yes you are stuck at 2013 if you are going to be using InsightCM 1.0.

InsightCM 2.0 will be built on the LabVIEW 2015 stack. Additionally with the SDK the LabVIEW cRIO source code will be made available, so it can be rebuilt in newer versions of LabVIEW if needed.

My final thoughts after talking with Scot, is you should continue on the path you're on for now or wait until InsightCM 2.0 which is targeted to come out later this year.


Danny Funk | Staff Product Support Engineer - InsightCM

PS: InsightCM has a forum here: There's not much traffic on there, but I monitor it.

Danny Funk -- Senior Group Manager -- Software R&D -- NI
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Message 6 of 10

Thanks Scott,

Apologies for any mis-posting, new to this ecosystem and getting used to all the parts and pieces.

I appreciate your responses and for getting me directed to some concrete answers to my particular issue(s).

Thanks Again,

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Message 7 of 10

Thanks Danny,

I will evalute our options with the team and get back with you concerning next steps (which may include becoming a Beta2 tester of InsightCM 2.0).


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

No worries. As Danny mentioned, it might also work to continue on the path you're on of trying to get the Angstrom feed working again. I know it's been a pain but it sounds like you're close to getting that working. Unfortunately I don't have a 2013 target handy so I can't offer much more than encouragement...

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Message 9 of 10

Right now I am so very close. Using the 2012 angstrom repository mentioned previouisly got access to lots of the python components and packages, BUT am still missing a shared library:

Note: its not a matter of being on cRIO and links missing, it is the complete library not there.  The repo manifests (opk update) list this library as a pre-requisite for most all the python collateral - but I can't seem to locate it.

Also am considering a cross-compiler build (in separate toolchain PC enviornment) but that will require a lot more setup, investigation, and configuration. 

I will keep digging.


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Message 10 of 10