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Find and Replace VI paths in mutiple Testsand sequenzes

I have a big Main Sequence with multiple Sub Sequences in Teststand.

In most of the Sequences are VIs used.

sometimes one sequence starts directly the VI "Andi", sometimes in another Sequence there is the VI "Tom" started, which includes the VI "Andi"

Now i want to replace the VI "Andi" in every instance through a modified VI with nearly the same Interfaces. (some of the Interfaces are TypDefs which means, the TypDefs are also changing, but the Content/definiton ist the same.

In LabVIEW i can use the function "Find and Replace" with Strg-F. Is there also something like that in Teststand?

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Message 1 of 2

Hello Dominik11,

one way is to use the search function (ctrl + f) and search for the VI path like


then mark all and replace this with the new vi path




A different way is to rename the old vi to and use the name for the new one.


Under edit you also find the find/replace in files function, which has filter options like to only search fo a special adapter and so this helps to reduce the results.


best regards
Message 2 of 2