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Custom VeriStand Steps for TestStand Feedback


You will need to put the path of the Parameter such as "Targets/Controller/User Channels/......" in the Parameter Value box

0 Kudos
Message 131 of 202

I configured the RT sequence as shown below.  I did notice that the scroll sometimes hits the bottom before the end of the list. 


It seems like the information that is required to be configured is duplicate of information that already exists in the real-time sequence.  Is it possible to extract this information automatically so it doesn't have to be manually entered?


After configuring the 'open and deploy RT sequence' custom step type, I still get an exception:


Error executing substep 'ReInitializeRTSequence'.

An exception occurred inside the call to .NET member 'ReinitializeSequenceCallInfo':

System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.

   at System.Boolean.Parse(String value)

   at System.Convert.ToBoolean(String value)

   at OpenWorkspaceDialog.VSDialogs.ReinitializeSequenceCallInfo(SequenceContext seqContext, String stepID)

   at OpenWorkspaceDialog.VSDialogs.ReinitializeSequenceCallInfo(SequenceContext seqContext)

0 Kudos
Message 132 of 202


Did what I sent regarding the 'open and deploy RT sequence' custom step type make sense? 

Were you able to reproduce my issues?

0 Kudos
Message 133 of 202

Hey Dan,

You should be setting the parameter value to what value you are passing into the sequence - for the boolean you have there it should be either True or False - or if you actually want to use a reference path change the type of the parameter to Path. 

The dialog mimics what is present when you call a sequence from the Stimulus Profile editor.

Let me know if that helps

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 134 of 202

Hey Team,

I am an AE from the UK Branch. I am currently on a team working on an HIL project using Veristand. I have downloaded the add-on for TestStand. In my TS sequence, I have an action step, which launches a splash screen allowing the user to choose what stimulus profile(s) to run. Provides 4 Boolean outputs based on the selection.

I then have 4 if statements (NOT nested) that check if true, run stimulus profile step and an additional vi that checks the status of the stim profile and will move to the next step once the stim pro has finished executing.

If the user selects 1 stimulus profile to run everything runs fine. If the user selects more than one it will run the first "run stem profile step" but not the others.

TestStand shows it has called the other stim pro, but nothing actually happens. I have ensured all the stim profiles run through using the stim pro editor

Any Help will be appreciated


Kevin R
Applications Engineer
National Instruments UK&Ireland
0 Kudos
Message 135 of 202

Hey Kev,

Can you post your teststand sequence so I can take a look at it?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 136 of 202


I recall previously in this thread discussing the possibility of creating a "Open and Deploy RT Sequence" that waits for the RT Sequence to complete before going to the next step.  Similar to the way it works in the Stimulus Profile.  I think a lot of people switching from Stimulus Profiles to TestStand get confused when they first encounter that the current implementation doesn't wait for completion.  I'm wondering if you can add this to the next implementation.

Also, I'm trying to call a RT Sequence and have TestStand perform a pass/fail test on the return value from the RT Sequence.  Do you think you can post an example of this.  I'm having difficulty figuring out what to pass as the "SequenceName" expression for the "Get Sequence Return Value" step.

Once there is a "Open and Deploy RT Sequence" that waits until completion, you can just have it's return value be the RT Sequence's return value.  Then we have everything in a single step like the Simulus Profile.

Thanks for your help.

0 Kudos
Message 137 of 202

I figured out my issue with what to pass the SequenceName property.  I wasn't appending the ":1" to the name of he RT sequence.  Now I'm trying to use the "Get Sequence Return Value" step.  It returns an object reference in the "ReturnValue" property.  Can someone show me how to reference the object so I can get the return value from the sequence which is a double?  I would like to take that value and do a limit check in TestStand.


0 Kudos
Message 138 of 202

Hey Todd,

Ya, I agree the workflow for sequences right now isn't great - combining all into one step which waits for completion would definitely be better.

The get sequence return value returns an object of type NationalInstruments.VeriStand.Data.DataValue (there is documentation on that type in the VeriStand .NET API help).  Based on what you know your sequences return value to be you can cast it to a more specific value type in that namespace (for example I32Value) and then that data value has a method that will give you a native type.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 139 of 202


I've attached a sequence that includes a step for evaluating a boolean return value from an RT sequence.  I know you are looking for a double return value, but you might be able to modify the .NET step that does the evaluating.  If you look at the expression, you should be able to change some values and get the double value and then check pass fail based on that value.  However, I got this step from someone else so I can't really help you on how exactly to modify it, but this should get you started.

0 Kudos
Message 140 of 202