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I/O error (6) when writing too large chunks to Datalog format

I have an application on an NI-PXI-8108, that writes large chunks of data to a datalog file. When it reaches a certain size, I get a generic file I/O error.


The error appears at about 32MB per write action. So there might be a limit or optimization I can change to improve this?


I would prefer not to change the format, so smaller chunks is not an option.


Any ideas or help is very much appreciated.

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Message 1 of 5

I've got a simple test VI that proves this issue:




We're using a PXI-8108 btw, I'm not sure if this matters though.


Any ideas?

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Dennis,


I'd like to add that this limit occurs on LabVIEW RT (PharLap ETS). Because on Windows the limits appears to be higher, but I don't know by how much.


I hope someone knows a solution.


Thank you,


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Message 3 of 5


Thanks for your contacting with National Instrument in this forum.

I found some info about your issue if you still have that.

First it is sometimes need to turn off your antivirus.

Second you can use the links below for more info about the file I/O.



I hope it would be helpful and if you have any question don't hesitate to ask me.



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Message 4 of 5

Thank you for your reply, but it doesn't help much. I had searched the internet trying to find a sollution, and already encountered the links you provide.


It's a LabVIEW Realtime system, so it doesn't have an antivirus.


When the dataset is smaller we don't see this error, so everything seems ok, untill we pass 32MB.

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Message 5 of 5