San Diego LabVIEW Users

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San Diego User Group Meeting on Wednesday, September 17th

Hey all!

The user group meetings have been on a long hiatus. We'll be bringing them back in September, and we hope to see you there.

Wednesday, 09/17/2014 | 06:00pm-08:00pm

Ansir Innovation Center

4685 Convoy St. #210

San Diego, CA 92111

Pizza and beer will be provided, courtesy of NI's Song Mu and Shawn Min.

Please park on the street. Engineer Road should have parking available.

Here are more details on the meeting place and how to find the entrance.

There will be two short presentations, followed by open-ended discussions on different problems we're all tackling. More details to follow.

If you're able to make it out, please reply to this thread so we can get a head count estimate.

If you can't make it in-person, we're going to try to broadcast the meeting live over TeamViewer Google Hangouts. The link will go live at 6pm on Wednesday.

Michael Le

CLA 2013

Message 1 of 30

I'll be there!

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Message 2 of 30


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Message 3 of 30

Any idea what the presentation topics will be?

Rob Benjamin

Smith Emery Company <>

791 East Washington Blvd.

Los Angeles CA 90021

Office: 213.749.3411

Email: <

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Message 4 of 30

We're still finalizing presentations. Some of the topics we're considering:

Definitely give us feedback if any of those topics appeal to you, or if there's another topic you'd like to see. We're hoping to make this more user-driven than it has been in the past.

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Message 5 of 30

Some topics I could present:

  • Speeding up GPS time to first fix
  • Optimizing manufacturing by combining test, load, and labling into a single station
  • My ATE sequencer
  • NI's Simple TCP Messaging Library
  • Getting started with database connectivity—It's all about the connection string

Things I'm interested in:

  • How is LabVIEW used in San Diego. What's your project? What challenges are dogging you
  • "Your 10th grade teacher was right; you do need to use math in the real world" — What algorithms are you using.
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Message 6 of 30

I would like to attend.

Bob Wendt

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Message 7 of 30

I am definitely interested although I just signed up for the Orange County one which is on the same date.

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Message 8 of 30

Ahh, that's too bad! We'll make sure to check the date next time so they don't overlap. If the first meeting's successful, we'll try to make this a monthly thing.

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Message 9 of 30

I'll be there.

Mike Fox

Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 13:06:04 -0500



Subject: - San Diego User Group Meeting on Wednesday, September 17th


San Diego User Group Meeting on Wednesday, September 17th

created by Mike_Le in San Diego LabVIEW Users - View the full discussion

Hey all!

The user group meetings have been on a long hiatus. We'll be bringing them back in September, and we hope to see you there.

09/17/2014 | 06:00pm-08:00pm

Ansir Innovation Center

4685 Convoy St. #210

San Diego, CA 92111

Light food and drinks will be provided.

There will be two short presentations, followed by open-ended discussions on different problems we're all tackling. More details to follow.

If you're able to make it out, please reply to this thread so we can get a head count estimate.

Michael Le

CLA 2013

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