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Improved Customization of Report Contour Plot Legends and Isolines

Status: Under Consideration


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions.



I've been struggling with setting up contour plots in the report the way that I would like to and it is mainly due to the limited ability to customize the color legend and isolines. I've posted about this in the normal forums and no one has found a way to set up the plots the way I would like. Relevant post can be found here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/DIAdem/Contour-Color-Legend-Modification/td-p/3719857


I would like to see the following options for the contour plots in reports:

  • Option for color legend to display first, last, and every nth symbol. 
  • Option to have two contour tables; one for the colors/legend, one for isolines. 
  • Ability to adjust where the symbol text is displayed relative to the color legend
  • Option in the dialog box to select how many colors are in the palette (i.e. 16, 32 or 64), this can be done via script but not through a dialog.
1 Comment
NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Under Consideration


Thank you for your request. R&D has read this suggestion and it will be included in feature planning discussions for future DIAdem versions.

