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Kernel configure problem when installing NIDAQmx 3.2 on fedora 15

My bad, yeah the same error message keeps coming back, even after  Isave the new config file under the header directory and reboot the system.

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Message 11 of 16

At this point, I would try to figure out what file or files the installation script (I am assuming that it is a script) it checking for leading up to that message to attempt to determine a bit more about why it's having a hard time using what your system has on it. Either looking at the script or possibly using a tool like strace to determine what is going on just prior to outputting that message may be reasonable.

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Message 12 of 16

AstroClimber schrieb:

My bad, yeah the same error message keeps coming back, even after  Isave the new config file under the header directory and reboot the system.

After copying the config file into the sources directory, try going into that directory with cd and then running "make prepare"

This could generate some missing files...

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Message 13 of 16

Thanks for the suggestion.

I got this when I make prepare in the /lib/modules/

[dare@dare source]$ make prepare

make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/src/kernels/

h/x86/syscalls/syscall_32.tbl', needed by `arch/x86/syscalls/../include/generate

d/asm/unistd_32.h'.  Stop.

make: *** [archheaders] Error 2

If I am running out of luck on this, I may have to run this on a different OS. Screw Fedora 15

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Message 14 of 16

Before you give up on Fedora 15 and go through the hassle of installing a new distro and setting it up, try installing the kernel source package (unsure what it is called on Fedora, but should be pretty obvious when searching using yum or whatever the GUI frontend is), again making sure to copy the config to the source root (usually /usr/src/linux-$SOME-$VERSION/, place the config here, renamed to .config). Use the instructions here to ensure that you have the necessar tools to build a kernel, then go through the build process, making sure not to make any changes to the kernel configuration (unless you are going to install and use the new kernel, beware this could cause issues if you have closed-source kernel drivers, e.g. nvidia), that should give the scripts everything they need to run successfully.

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Message 15 of 16

Yup I have gaiven up Fedora and changed it to RedHat Enterprise, and the installation went well.

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Message 16 of 16